A new way of thinking
At the weekend I was fortunate to attend the Lucky Things Meet Up hosted by the lovely Sunita from Lucky Things. I was excited and nervous about the day. Excited and nervous about what I was going to learn, and excited and nervous about meeting up with new bloggers, and some that I already knew. I’m not sure why I felt nervous because as soon as I arrived at the venue in Central London I felt calm and relaxed which leads onto the theme of the day that was mindfulness, and how we can apply it to our busy everyday lives. Having been part of and engaging with the talk, I am now seeing things in a more positive light and practicing a new way of thinking.
As I said the main focus of the talk was mindfulness, and we were asked to observe how our body reacted when the word “goals” was spoken. I instantly felt myself tense up with anticipation that my 2017 goals wouldn’t be achieved and that I would see myself as a failure. However when the word “intentions” was spoken I felt calm and positive that I could achieve my intentions for 2017.
Try it for yourself and see how you react and feel when you hear the word “goals”. Now see how you feel when you hear the word “intentions”. Did you feel a difference?
Obviously I’ll still be pursuing my goals (intentions) for 2017 when it comes to life, work and the blog, however I will try to see them in a different way. Instead of reviewing the list, ticking or crossing through them and then getting annoying with myself if I’ve not achieved my goal. I will instead focus on what I have achieved to reach my goal, and congratulate myself on what I have done to get there. I think it’s really important to focus on the positive aspects of the journey that we have taken to get somewhere we want to be.
So that’s my new way of thinking. I’m going to start applying this to everyday life in hope that it will reduce stress if something isn’t fully achieved.
I had a fantastic day and evening at the Lucky Things Meet Up. I met a brilliant group of people, and made some new friends too. I came away from the day feeling positive and inspired. Also a little overwhelmed too, but now that I’ve had time to process it, it makes sense, and I hope that I’m already started to apply my new way of thinking.
A massive thanks to Sunita for putting in a sterling effort for organising the event, and I’m looking forward to the next one. Better get my style on for that.
Claire x
The image that features within this blog post was taken by Daniela Cadore who was the photographer on the day.
Mindful Mummy Mission
This is a lovely example of how being ‘mindful’ and therefore in tune with thoughts, physical sensations and emotions can help us make very small adjustments to our lives which could have a great positive impact. Lovely little tip – thanks for sharing. I’ll see you at the next meet-up – I can make this one and have got the ticket!! xx
It sounds like you had a great time, this is a great tip. It’s amazing how mindfulness can completely change how you feel about things. #fortheloveofblog
Lovely post, I think we put far too much pressure on ourselves. The word goal makes me also shudder and panic. I think its because the word “goal” is something that i think NEEDS to be done, “intentions” to me means what we want to do. Its a much less painful word 🙂
Biscuit Please Mummy
Really good read – changing your mindset a little can make a big difference – I’m trying to think about things a little differently too. Important when there is so much to juggle and you can lose track of how far you have come. #fortheloveofBLOG
Sounds like a great event – hopefully I’ll get a chance to attend something similar one day #fortheloveofblog
Sounds like a good event, changing mindsets can be a really great thing! #fortheloveofblog
That’s really interesting. It’s amazing how a simple word can be so powerful. Reminds me of some of the hypnobirthing stuff I read. #fortheloveofBLOG
Let your light shine Mummy
That’s really interesting, I thought of the word goals and it made me feel like I wasn’t sure what they were and did I really have any, but when I thought of what my intentions were it made me feel more comfortable, like it was a more simple question for me to answer, and that I could achieve them. Thanks for sharing, I’m glad you had a lovely day. Xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Dave - Dad's Turn
Changing your attitude a little is really good. Sounds like you had a productive time #fortheloveofBLOG
The Mum Reviews
It was a great day. I love how social it was and I agree with your feelings about the talk. I’ve been thinking about “intentions” quite a lot since that day. I’ve signed up for the next one too and hope to see you there. Totally going to stay for dinner next time too 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
Sounds like a great get together. Interesting that the photographer was there too as I loved your new badge, its really good. Nice to come away from an event feeling inspired, good for you:)
great piece, think it is something we should all try to be, focus on what we have achieved x
emma me and b make tea
it sounds like you had a fab day Claire. I really wish I could have come too but its a bit of a trek really. I love how slightly changing a word can completely change your outlook on something. good luck with your intentions – you are rocking it! #FTLOB
daydreamer mum
I do like the idea that making tiny changes to your thinking can help with mindset. Big changes scare me but this is a great little tip #fortheloveofBLOG
Natasha Mairs
This is a great tip. I actually felt panicky saying ‘goals’ but felt much more relaxed when I said ‘intentions’ #fortheloveofBLOG
Intentions and goals are words that definitely provoke different thoughts and feelings. I think I’m going to take a leaf out of your book and start trying to think like this too. #ForTheLoveOfBLOG
Squirmy Popple
That sounds like an interesting event – the word ‘goals’ makes me tense too, but I like the idea of thinking about intentions instead and focusing on the positive aspects of my journey. #ablogginggoodtime
What a really interesting post. I hate setting ‘goals’. I never do New Year Resolutions. But I like the idea of intentions. Could work with those 🙂
A Mum Track Mind
I think that sounds like a really good way of approaching what you want to achieve. I often feel overwhelmed when confronted with all of the goals I have set for myself and often when I get there I don’t even stop to appreciate them. I wish I had been able to attend – sounds like a really interesting day #fortheloveofBLOG
Busy Working Mummy
It sounds like it was really useful and it is good to learn to focus on the positive things rather than what we haven’t achieved! #fortheloveofblog
Mindfulness has been a real game changer for me. I’ve really taken it on board in my day to day life and I’m so much happier! Sounds like you had a great time #fortheloveofBLOH
Sinead (shinnersandthebrood.com)
I like this way of thinking. Anything that focuses on the positive is good in my book! #fortheloveofBLOG
Left Back
This is a great idea although I do like a to do list of goals #fortheloveofblog
Lydia C. Lee
It’s all very much the Jack Sparrow thing – the problem isn’t the problem, your attitude towards the problem is the problem…#FortheloveofBLOG
Ali Duke
This is a great way of thinking.
Kimberly - media Mummy
So annoyed I missed it! I like the word intention. Adopting it into my vocabulary! Hope to see you soon x #fortheloveofblog
Kirsty - Winnettes
It was such a great day. I wasn’t expecting the talk to have such an effect on me but I have changed the way I think about things adn relaxed a little.
It was really lovely to meet and chat to you. Meeting bloggers in ‘real life’ is such nice way to make it all a little more personal.
Sounds like a fab event! Goals are just that…things we want to work to achieve but sometimes it takes a little longer than we would like to get there, that doesn’t mean we have failed. I like the word ‘intentions’ it’s a good alternative!
Louise - Mummy Miller
The talk sounds like it was really great, and looks like you had a good time. I love things like this that really help change your view on things #fortheloveofBLOG
Alana - Burnished Chaos
Sounds like a great day, and what a brilliant way of reframing things x
Ah I’m glad you had a good time. That is an excellent way of thinking and perhaps we are a little hard on ourselves sometimes. #fortheloveofblog xx
Nursery Whines
I think this is an excellent angle to approach this. I felt dread even writing a list of ‘goals’ for the new year as I couldn’t help thinking I was setting myself up for failure. But I already feel a sense of achievement focusing on what I have done just pursuing them so far this year. Thanks for sharing. #fortheloveofBLOG
Peachy and her Mommy
Such a positive message. It’s easy to focus on the negative but it may not be wise to dwell on the bad. #fortheloveofBLOG
Oh it was such a great day wan’t it?! I really benefited from it too and have really focused on the pause aspect and grounding – thinking about feet on the floor etc and taking a breather – has helped me heaps. Was great to see you again too – looking forward to the next one x #fortheloveofBLOG
I love a bit of mindfulness, it really does make a difference x
Angela Watling
Language has such a massive impact doesn’t it. We always make subtle changes in language at work to make things seem less negative rather than stressful: “challenge” rather than “problem” or “issue” being the best example. The word “intentions” is an excellent way of thinking about what you want to accomplish with your blog this year. Ambitious people will inevitably overcommit and not accomplish something so this will help stop those feelings of failure which are completely unfounded. Will be interested to hear if you’ve stuck to the way of thinking in a few months! #fortheloveofBLOG
Hey Claire. Am amazing write up of what we all learnt from the #LuckyThingsMeetUp. Dr Tamara Russell is the bomb when it comes to mindfulness! What she says about intentions is so right. It also helps us to accept when things don’t go right or as planned. I’m glad she made us feel that mindfulness is an easy thing to do and we don’t have to sit up on a mountain somewhere to practice it! So fab seeing everyone’s comments about the afternoon. I honestly loved seeing everyone get together. Excited about the rest of the Meet Ups in 2017. #fortheloveofBLOG
Lisa | Pass The Prosecco Please
A really cool way of thinking, there is definitely a difference in goals and intentions, love this! #forloveofBLOG
From Day Dot
Yep, intentions definitely feels better than goals! I love the sound of this meet up, I think mindfulness is really interesting and would love to practice it more #fortheloveofblog
Mrs Mummy Harris
I’m so annoyed I missed this! Looking forward to getting the April get together! #fortheloveofBLOG
Mrs Lighty
Ah this sounds fab! I have done a lot of work on mindfulness over the years and it’s all to do with viewing things more positively, which is what it sounds like you’ve embraced! #fortheloveofBLOG
This is really interesting – and there is a massive difference in two. I will definitely be trying to think of my intentions rather than my goals! Glad you had a good time! #fortheloveofBLOG
Aleena Brown
I love the idea that changing how we view things, or adapting the language we use, can change how we feel in general. ‘Intentions’ feels so much less overwhelming and demanding than ‘goals’. Great read. #fortheloveofBLOG
I love the idea of changing how we view things. I will be looking at my intentions for 2017 in a different way now. I’m trying mindfulness myself to try and help me cope in everyday life. I get far to stressed and anxious #fortheloveofblog
It’s great that you were inspired by the meet up and came away with lots to think about even if you feel a bit overwhelmed right now.#fortheloveofblog
This is really great! I definitely feel the same way you did when you say goals. There’s so much I want to do and I just don’t know when I want to do it or how! #fortheloveofblog
This sounds like a great day and talk, wish I’d gone. Intentions sounds so much better than goals, will definitely try to be more positive in the way I think from now on.xx #fortheloveofblog
Jane Taylor
I think that’s really interesting how our choice of words can make a difference. I find I can write until I know I have to do it! I can comment and chatter away but as soon as it’s a blog post – I tense!!! I need to find a loop hole!! Glad you got so much from it! #fortheloveofblog
Jenn @ Mad Mommy
Changing your perspective just a tad can make all the difference in the world. #fortheloveofblog
Susie at This Is Me Now
Such a good post. You’re right intentions sound so much better than goals. I have goals and am already starting to feel worried about not achieving them! #FortheloveofBLOG
Becci - The UnNatural Mother
What a great experience and i bet it was lovely to meet so many new people. I hope that soon the NW bloggers get together