Making Creatures This Half Term with Bostik
This week we have been getting creative at home making creatures and various other bits and pieces as part of the Bostik Blogger programme who we are really exciting to be collaborating with this year.
It’s amazing what you can make from a few pipe cleaners, foam eggs and cardboard. All of which are really simple for you to make this Half Term too.
Here’s what we are made:
Cat Mask
What you need:
- Template cat mask
- Paper or sticky backed paper to cover the mask
- Sequins
- Pipe cleaners
- Elastic for the head band
- Bostik tape discs.
How to make it:
- Simply take your cat mask, and either cover it in glue to stick your chosen paper with, or stick your sticky backed paper to it.
- Cut the paper to the outline of the cat mask. It’s best that an adult does this as it can be a little fiddly especially around the eye holes.
- Take 3 pipe cleaners and cut them in half. Apply these as whiskers to the back of the mask using the Bostik tape discs.
- Stick sequins around the ears and eyes.
- Lastly attach the elastic headband through two holes in the side of the mask.
- Voila! You have a cat mask for your child to impress all their friends with. Or in my case, me, as my toddler refused to wear it!
Mini Animals
What you need:
- Foam egg shapes
- Pipe Cleaners
- Plastic Eyes
- Bostik Glue Stick
How to make it:
- First of all decide what you are going to make. We made a lion, but you could make anything from cows to sheep.
- Take the pipe cleaners, and cut out four small legs, and a another length for the tail. Lastly cut a pipe cleaner to wrap around the front of the egg to create the face.
- Next up insert the pipe cleaners into the foam egg. This is really easy and you can let your toddler help you out with this.
- Once you have created the face, use the Bostik Glue Stick to stick the two plastic eyes to the front of the foam egg.
- Easy! You now have a mini animal.
Other ideas
My toddler really enjoyed making these and it also really helped her to practice her hand-eye co-ordination skills.
Simply thread beads onto a pipe cleaner, and join up the ends of the pipe cleaner to make a bracelet. These can be any colour you like, and you can make as many as want. This is a lovely activity for any child who is into making their own jewellery.
Pipe cleaner people
This is very similar to making the mini animals. All you need to do is cut various lengths of pipe cleaner, enough for you to make the hair, face, arms, and legs, and insert into a foam egg.
We then used beads and sequins to create the face.
What’s really lovely about this, is that my toddler enjoyed taking it apart and then putting it back together again.
I hope that this has given you some really simple ideas of what you could make with your child or children this Half Term. All are really easy, and can be made with young children, as young as two or three.
Claire x
This is a collaborative post with Bostik