Language learning for the young and old with LingoTot Generations
Hands up who has been watching Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds? Great isn’t it? It’s amazing what you see watching this programme. How the young and the old can learn so much from each other when they come together in the same environment. There are so many benefits for the older generation learning from the younger, and vice versa.
This is particularly true when it comes to learning languages. Research has shown that learning a language could help protect the brain and help to delay the onset of dementia occurring until later in life, which is really good to hear.
Sarah who runs LingoTot Bexley (where languages are taught to children through play and music) recognised a need for the young and old to work together to learn languages to help with brain development, combat loneliness and support the community. For this very reason she has recently launched LingoTot Generations. This is her brand new venture for LingoTot which she is incredibly excited about.
What is LingoTot Generations?
LingoTot Generations is the brainchild of Sarah who manages LingoTot Bexley. Sarah is passionate about language and understands the benefit that the young can have on the older generation, plus how learning a language is beneficial to everyone. So she was thrilled to set up LingoTot Generations at the Riverdale Care Home in Welling with weekly Spanish and French classes.
What are the benefits of LingoTot Generations?
The benefits of LingoTot Generations are huge and very rewarding for everyone who takes part including the parents. It means that the older generation are learning and keeping their brains active. They are also enjoying the social element of meeting parents and children, which in turn helps to reduce loneliness. For the parents and children, it means that alongside learning a new language they are integrating and supporting the local community.
What classes do LingoTot Generations offer?
There are two classes available at the moment. Every Saturday Rhyann (another LingoTot tutor) will teach Spanish at the Riverdale Care Home. Then every Tuesday Sarah will teach French. There is bound to be something that is relevant for you and your child. You could decide to take the same language that your child is learning at school. Or learn a new language entirely.
LingoTot Generations teaches children from the age of 0, so it is never too early to start. All languages are taught in a really fun way through play, music and drama. There are no dry books to read and write that you may have had when you were at school. This is the best way to learn a new language, and it also creates a fun language learning session for an older person too.
How do I book onto LingoTot Generations at Riverdale?
The weekly Spanish and French classes can be booked on the LingoTot Bexley website.
- The French classes take place on Tuesdays at 1.45pm and cost £45.00 (per child) for 6 sessions.
- The Spanish classes take place on Saturdays at 10am and cost £52.50 (per child) for 7 sessions.
All the sessions are fun and interactive, including songs, music, dancing and stories. Snacks and water are provided for the children. Plus there is parking, baby-changing facilities and plenty of space for your buggy.
Sarah has created a wonderful opportunity here for everybody, and I would recommend that you give her classes a go supporting Riverdale Care Home, which should leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
Claire x
This is a collaborative post with LingoTot.

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