Review: Help your children learn how to clean with the Casdon Toy Dyson Cord Free Vacuum
I’m a bit of a cleaning fanatic, and I hate having a messy house. There are always toys scattered across the floor, and don’t get me started on the Lego, and then the oatcake crumbs on the sofa and under the table. Does this sound familiar? Oh, and let’s not forget the car. We took the car seats out last week and it looked like about 10 packs of biscuits had been destroyed into crumbs beneath the seats and in the footwell.
One of things I’ve realised that cleaning and keeping things tidy starts at home, and already my daughter does offer to help every now and again (although she could be better) and my son is often following me around the kitchen with a wipe in his hand wiping surfaces. Lets hope it stays that way.
This is where the Casdon Toy Dyson Cord Free Vacuum can help by starting to build the base of clearing from an early age. I love that Casdon have made a replica of the Dyson Cordless Vacuum. We actually have the real working version of this vacuum, and my kids often find their toy vacuum whilst I’m doing the vacuuming around the house. It’s a great way for them to learn what a vacuum does and how it can quickly clean up all of those discarded oatcake crumbs. The toy Dyson is so much like the real version that my husband tried to use this toy version thinking it was real. Obviously the only difference is the size!
There are two nozzles to the toy vacuum cleaner, one is the head for “twist and turn” cleaning, and the other is the shorter nozzle. The cylinder contains little balls to demonstrate the movement of dust particles, has a real suction and sounds just like the real thing (only slightly quieter), plus when you press the button the cylinder opens up just like the real version.
It’s a great toy for young children from 3 years upwards helping them to begin to understand why and how we clean our houses. This would make a lovely gift for a child, and just remember that 3x AA batteries are required.
Claire x
I was gifted theĀ Casdon Toy Dyson Cord Free Vacuum.