Soothing your baby to sleep with MyHummy
When you’re a parent of a newborn baby there is nothing worse than a lack of sleep. That could be because your baby isn’t going to bed until much later than you would normally. Or they are waking up a lot in the night. Or they are waking up really early and not going back to sleep again. All of these are normal as your child adjusts to a routine, and begins to understand the difference between night and day. Remember that they are not born knowing this and we as parents need to help them.
Babies are designed to wake at night, often waking for a feed or for comfort. However this is not always the case and sometimes they just wake up and need resetting. If you’re sleep deprived this can be extremely difficult to deal with especially when they wake up as they arrive at the end of a natural sleep cycle which can be on the hour. I can sympathise with anyone who is suffering from broken sleep as we went through a horrendous time when my daughter hit the 4 month sleep regression. This time round my son is a much better sleeper and I’m sure that myHummy has something to do with that.
We were extremely excited to be offered the opportunity to review myHummy, me in particular as I’m the one is dealing with the night wakings. Also my son seems pretty happy with myHummy too as the white noise does help to soothe him to sleep, and also helps keep him settled if he’s awake in his cot.
Our myHummy which is saving the day (or night) for us is the Ash myHummy with bluetooth. He’s a fairly large bear that can be cuddled by an older child, but at the moment it’s nestled at the head of my baby’s cot at a safe distance which can’t cause any suffocation (my baby isn’t rolling yet). Ash is really soft to touch and not to furry to avoid any nose tickling.
Every myHummy comes with a removable heart which is essential the brainchild of myHummy. This is where the white noise emits from and is safely tucked into the tummy by a very neatly concealed zip. The heart can be controlled either by clicking the myHummy’s tummy or via your mobile phone if you opt for a bluetooth myHummy.
Here’s the lowdown on what the Ash myHummy can do:
- Play a series of different white noises. There are 5 in total including waves, rain, heart beat, pulse, and continuous white noise (think hairdryers).
- Increase or decrease the volume of the white noise.
- Plays continuously for 60 minutes and then fades away completely, until your baby starts to stir, before kicking back in again – which is a great way for your baby to resettle. To be honest I’ve never heard myHummy not playing, so it must be working if it’s resettling my son back to sleep when he’s not waking me for a feed.
- You can also have the myHummy on non-stop mode in hope for a fully uninterrupted sleep.
- Lastly myHummy is machine washable at 40 degrees, but just make sure you remove the myHummy heart first.
On top of this if you opt for the Bluetooth version you can select the white noise, control the volume, control the duration of sound, and switch the sleep sensor on and off via the app on your phone.
We are really impressed with myHummy, I do believe it is contributing towards a better night’s sleep for both myself and my son. Plus I almost certainly think it helps him to settle by himself when he does go to bed, which I hope will lessen the impact of any sleep regressions. Fingers crossed it continues to work for us!
If this all sounds good, the Ash myHummy (with bluetooth) costs £79.99. This is a lot for a sleep aid, but if you’re a sleep deprived parent who needs to take action this really isn’t a lot of money for a better night’s sleep. The full range starts from £39.99 and is available on the myHummy website.
You can also choose a matching blanket too, and these are super soft and thick, resulting in my son often falling asleep when he lies on these. They also make a fantastic play mat and are great at protecting your knees if you have a wood or tiled floor.
As a parent I am mega impressed with myHummy and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to any parent or parent-to-be.
Claire x
This is a collaborative post with myHummy

Tracy Nixon
Pearl please x Thank you x
Snoozy: Light Grey
Lindsey Stuart
Aww adorable! I would love Pearl please.
Gillian McClelland
I like Ash
iain maciver
would love to win fleur
Emma C
Slate grey snoozy
valerie cooper
Love Ash
Dion petrie
I would love to win Filbert for my nephew
Jade Hewlett
I like the Snoozy: Light Grey, looks so cute!
Keith Hunt
Filbert looks nice for my friends first child
I would love the Snoozy in light grey for my nephew
Karen Hughes
light grey please,my daughter is 17 weeks pregnant so we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl,so i chose a neutral clour.
Ritchie Dee
Snoozy: Light Grey
Lorna Ledger
Filbert, my good friend is due Nov, this would be a lovely gift
Abi Birch
I would love to win Ash! We used a white noise app on our phones for our eldest, this would be much better for our next baby!
Dale Dow
The light grey one would be perfect, fingers crossed x
Amy Pest
Rebecca Barnes
I love the little Snoozy character – so cute! I’d choose the one in Eccru White 🙂
Clare Hubbard
I love the look of ash
Hannah Scudder
I like the look of Ash
Holly king
Snoozy light grey
Danielle Dudley
Snoozy light grey
Susan B
A really lovely product and range. I would choose Snoozy: Light Grey.
Kim Neville
I like Snoozy: Pastel Pink
Charmaine Dance
Slate grey snoozy
Snoozy in Ecru White is sooo sweet
Susan Smith
Snoozy Pastel Pink please
katie Simmonds
Ash please
Sarah Fielding
Ash looks amazing!
john prendergast
Snoozy: Light Grey
Graham Ross
I would love the Snoozy in light grey
Jennifer Bruce
I’d love to win Fleur for my best friend and her new baby
Ollie Randolph
Snoozy: Light Grey looks brilliant.
Helen Best
I love Fleur she has a lovely face
Snoozy in Ecru White
janine atkin
id love Pearl
Kelly Duckworth
I love Ash
Helen Moulden
The Snoozy: Light Grey – so cute!
Tee Simpson
I would love pearl please
Angela Treadway
i would love to win pearl please x
Niki Marie Wardle
Snoozey in Pastel pink would be perfect
Keri brooks
Snooze grey cause don’t know what my baby us till next week
such a grest idea. i need one! 🙂
Sue McCarthy
I like Pearl, thanks for the chance.
Amanda Graham
I love Snoozy Light Grey!!
Karen Howden
Filbert, I just love the name
Laura Turner
Filbert’s most definitely my fave.
Ruth Harwood
would love Snoozy: Mint Green xx
stacey turner
Filbert looks fab
Kirsty Ward
We love Pearl!
Rosemary Tily
Ash please
Amanda Baggott
Snoozy: Ecru White
Lorraine Stone
Snoozy: Light Grey please
Margaret Clarkson
Judith Allen
Slate grey or light grey snoozy.
Kat Comer
Tracy B
Absolutely loving Ash! How gorgeous!
Michelle Ferguson
I would like Filbert
Angie McDonald
Filbert for me!
I think Filbert is cute, he looks like he needs a home
Lindsey Jones
I would love to win Ash
Charlotte Bell
I’d love to win Pearl! x
Catherine Stewart
Pearl please
Victoria Prince
I would love to win Snoozy 🙂 probably the mint green one!
kayleigh Robinson
Ash! These are such a fab idea
Nicki Evans
Filbert please
Isabel O
I would love to win the Filbert Hummy.
Caron Twyman
I love Filbert. Thanks for the chance.
Zoey P
Love Ash
Sheri Darby
Has to be Filbert
I would love Pearl.
Mandy Betts
Snoozy in white grey
Kim M
SNOOZY – Pastel Pink x
Vanessa Jumeau
Snoozy: Pastel pink please x
Charlotte Batkins
Snoozy in baby blue for my baby boy due 21/09
Kathy Cakebread
pearl would be fab
Would love to win Pearl with Ash and Filbert also being hot contenders
Would love to win Pearl with Ash and Filbert also being hot contenders
Samantha O'D
Pastel Pink snoozy please
Kate Loader
Laura Norcop
Looked through them all and although some of the others have amazing names (I’m looking at you filbert) Ash is 100% my favourite. I play my little one white noise videos on YouTube- these bears are such a good idea!!
S Kerry
I’d love Snoozy: Light Grey for my 3 week old xx
Laura Wilson-Dent
I’d love to win ash, looks cute and can be used for either sex of my little one still on their way!
christine WESTLAKE
Lisa Hannon
I would love to win Fleur
Lisa Hannon
fleur looks lovely
Sharon Burroughs
I love the Snoozy: Light Grey
Donna Caldwell
I’d love fleur
andrea tinkler
Snoozy in white grey is lovely
Margaret Mccaffery
Love the slate grey snoozy
Jenna Parrington
Ash please, perfect for my daughter <3
Charlotte Rawlins
Having a 3 week old I would take any!!
If I picked it would be pearl
Mark Mccaffery
Snoozy in light grey is a favourite.
Kirsty Hosty
Mand Graham
Ash, I love the colours!
Allan Fullarton
Snoozy: Light Grey
Fiona Johnstone
Snoozy. Pastel Pink is a wee cutie.
i love Filbert the best but they are all cute
donna l jones
would love to win fleur please
Rachel Butterworth
Fleur bear please.
adrian price
id love Snoozy in mint green please
Sarah Mccaffery
Would love to win the filbert
Elaine Stokes
i like the look of fleur
eddie britton
Filbert looks great!
Miss Tracy Hanson
SNOOZY LIGHT GREY please but aren’t they cute? What a great idea.
snoozy slate grey
Jayne K
Filbert please
Adrian Bold
Snoozy: Light Grey please.
Lauren Stebbings
I like Ash the bear 🙂 these look like a great product https://shop.myhummy.co.uk/ash
jacqui rushton
Snoozy in light grey!
Leanne Hansell
I would love to win Pearl.
Kay Surtees
Gilbert for sure, what a great idea.
Lisa Pond
Snoozy Mint Green
Elzbieta Znyk
lucie reno
Light grey please 🙂
Maria Jane Knight
I would love Filbert. I’am a newborn photographer and this would be another great way of soothing little ones off to sleep.
Laura Pritchard
I’d love to have Fleur please!
Lisa Hall
Snoozy – Light Grey please, the colour matches the bedding my daughter -in-laws has picked out for new babas cot.
Robyn Clarke
Snoozy light grey please.
paula cheadle
I love the Snoozy in the colour Mint Green
Kyomi Johnson
I’d love the snoozy light grey please absolutely amazing
Sophie Foulds
Light grey definitely 🙂
toni pearson
Snoozy – slate grey
I would love to win pearl for my little girl
Lisa Bell
I would love ash
carol boffey
i love filbert
Sandy Ralph
Snoozy Mint Green please for our newborn grandson
Pearl please
Sarah Lou Oli
Snoozy pastel pink looks perfect for my lil girl due in December.
Jodi Hill
Fleur is super cute!
Kim D
I love Ash
becci cleary
I love Pearl
I love Filbert!
Natalie Crossan
Slate grey snoozy
Amy Lambert
Would love to win Pearl!
Lia Burns
I would love to win the myhummy Fleur for my daughter x
Monika Bascombe
Snoozy: Slate Grey is so sweet
Natalie Gillham
Ash please
Michelle Casson
Would love Ash too x