It’s all about style at the Lucky Things meet up
During the year of my maternity leave I didn’t worry too much about style. I bought the odd thing here or there when I could no longer fit into my old clothes, and also so that I could keep up with the latest trends. However since going back to work I knew that I needed to be up to date, especially working in advertising. Yet also my clothes needed to be practical for sprinting to and from the station for nursery pick up, and could sustain the practicalities of looking after a toddler. Last week I went to the Lucky Things meet up hosted by Sunita at Lucky Things Blog that was all about style and I loved it.
I enjoyed a brilliant afternoon at The Folly in Central London learning all about style. Being a Mum who’s on a budget and needs to look good everyday I learned a few tips and tricks from Alison Perry and Susan Alcindor. Overall you create your own style, which is what you feel comfortable and confident wearing, and one that works with your lifestyle. Here are some really useful tips and tricks I learnt during the day.
Go shopping in your wardrobe
Some items in my wardrobe date back to my pre-London days which is over 10 years ago. They might be a classic now or completely out of fashion. I have so many clothes that I’ve not worn for years, and are too nice to throw out. I have learnt to revisit them, try them on and see if the item stills fits and works. You could find a gem here that will save you money rather than heading out to the shops.
Not sure about something
If you’re not sure about an item of clothing, take it out of your wardrobe and hang it up. Hang it up so you can see it, keeping it in the forefront of your mind. Allowing you to work out what this item of clothing works with, how can you accessorise it and work out if you like the item. I instantly did this once I got home after the event and hung up a dress I bought from Zara a couple of months ago but had never worn. I even promised Sunita on one of her Facebook lives that I would wear it, and I did wear it. If you’re still not sure then you could swap it with a friend or charity shop it.
Buy jeans that are a size too small
I have always been a massive believer in this. In fact all my jeans that I purchase are so tight when I buy them. However as it’s denim it will stretch, and there is nothing worse than a baggy pair of skinny jeans or those that keep falling down.
Be confident in your own style
One of the main points I took away from the event was to be confident in your style. I don’t necessarily see heels and dresses being items that make me confident. For me my style is jeans and trainers, that I can dress up and down depending on the occasion. Wearing jeans and trainers is comfortable for me, but what I also feel confident wearing.
I had a lovely afternoon at the Lucky Things Meet Up, it was fab to catch up with some familiar faces and meet a bunch of new people at the same time. I’m really looking forward to the next meet up in a few months which is all about career with confidence, which happens to tie in very nicely with big career changes going on in my life at the moment. You can also have a read on my intentions from the last Lucky Things Meet Up in January.
Do you have any tips and tricks on how you create your style?
Claire x