Happy New Year 2019
I think I start every blog post of mine with this: I can’t believe that we are in 2019. 2018 feels like it flew by in a jiffy, in fact it felt like the quickest year yet. That could be because so much happened or it’s because every year feels quicker the older I get. Anyway I’m rambling now, 2018 you were amazing, and I am really excited about the year ahead.
This isn’t going to be a goal related post, but more of a blog post of how I want to see the year panning out.
This year is all about family and trying to do better.
So here goes. It’s trying to do more with the family. We live in London, but we hardly ever use it. In fact I feel like I barely venture beyond SE4, so this year is all about seeing the sights, and showing my daughter the wonder that London has to offer.
It’s also going about doing the best I can with this blog and social media business. Working smarter is key. I’ve learnt that I simply do not have the time I had pre-Bertie and I need to make better use of the time I do have. Procrastination and going down the Instagram rabbit hole needs to stop, and instead I need to really make that procrastinating time work for me.
One of my aims for 2019 is to bring my blog back up to the level it was and also to put more emphasis on my social media business. I’m not goal setting this as it’s hard enough to manage with children. I’m doing it already, but I don’t know realistically how far I can grow it, I just need to manage my time better, work smarter and learn.
This year is also about making our family home. Our big extension project starts next week and that will really kick off making our home we purchased last year, our home. I can’t wait to finally put a stamp on this and make it a place to be proud of.
Lastly it’s going to be a year that I find the time to look after myself and exercise. Since having Bertie I have barely had any time for me. My wonderful husband bought me a 30 minute massage at the end of last year which was amazing, and I know that I need to be doing more of these things. Looking after two kids, whilst trying to work and manage a house is no easy feat, and that needs to be rewarded with a treat. And this year I will make sure I practise self-care in some shape or form, whether that’s a long hot bubble bath or just 5 minutes to paint my nails.
So that’s it, that’s how I hope to see the year panning out.
What are your thoughts about the year ahead? Are you goal setting or keeping a loose approach to it all like me.
Claire x