Does anyone else feel like they are always ‘on’?
Someone please turn off the off switch? I mean does the off switch even exist if you’re a parent?
Recently I’ve been feeling like I am always on. In fact in the last six months I have been ‘on’ 24/7 without a break. A measly 1 hour away from the kids in that time just doesn’t cut it. I’m sorry to say that but I am knackered, exhausted, broken… get the picture if you have newborn and toddler, or just a newborn, or kids.
I don’t want to sound ungrateful for writing this. I love my kids. I love them a lot. That’s why I am always there for them. That’s why I am up all night for the past 168 nights, with no more than two hours of solid sleep. But my god I feel like I need a break.
A day at a spa feels so out of a reach at the moment. Just half a day away would be bliss. I even said to my husband last week that I would love to do a whole day of work. It would be amazing to sit at my desk and write, and get a little bit of head space to be me.
I think that’s the crux of this. I feel like I’ve lost a little bit of me again. Being a parent does that. I regained my ‘me’ back after having my daughter and since having my son I feel like I’ve lost it again.
I’ve lost my time where I can do ‘me’ things, where I can clear my head and where I can focus on my blog and my social media business. Both of the things that I put so much effort into last year and the first half of this year building into something.
Anyway, for now I’ll focus on being the best parent I can be to both of my children, and hopefully one day when the boy starts sleeping a little longer I can find my sparkle once again.
But for the time being I’ll keep on keeping on with this parenting lark. Dealing with the four or five or six month sleep regression, whilst trying to make my ‘me’ life fit into the miniscul time I get once the kids are in bed before the first wake up, whilst pondering whether to prioritise working over empting the dishwasher or washing machine, when all I really want to do is SLEEP!
It’s flipping tough being a parent, and it’s so hard being a stay at home and work at home mum especially with young children who need you 24/7, and you’re trying to juggle work, life, family all in the short period of 24 hours – a timeframe that never seems long enough.
One day I’ll have my ‘me’ time and I’ll know that I’ll miss these crazy days, but that doesn’t stop me from wondering when the hell I can next escape from the kids for more than an hour.
Did someone mention a spa day, night out or weekend away? Please? I really need to turn that switch off soon to stop a crash and burn situation from happening.
I’m sorry if I’ve been so blunt in this post. My kids are my world, but I also need to focus on my world and self-care.
Does anyone else feel this way I would love to hear how you turn off that switch and focus on you.
Claire x
Rachel Bustin
This is me as well. You are not alone lovely. Having a second baby that doesn’t sleep is hard. If I’m being honest I’m looking forward to going back to work in January to my day job to get a little bit of me back. Sending hugs x
an signaldispense
Honourable click
The UnNatural Mother
We are all feeling like this at the moment . I don’t think this time of year helps . I feel trapped in the house because of the cold weather . A huge dose of self care is required