Tested Methods for Removing Permanent Marker from Different Surfaces in Your Home

Tested Methods for Removing Permanent Marker from Different Surfaces in Your Home

Permanent marker is very difficult to remove from any surface in your home. These markers are made specifically so that we can write on any surfaces. This is their greatest plus and at the same time – the greatest disadvantage! Removing the marker from leather, fabric, carpets or hard surfaces will require some time and efforts. Here are some tips on how to remove a permanent marker.

Removing Permanent Marker Stain from Hard Surfaces

The most efficient cleaning method is alcohol and alcohol-containing products. The main thing is that the concentration of alcohol is above 45%. Dampen a napkin with it and start rubbing the stain.

The next method contains ingredients such as baking soda and toothpaste. You have to take both substances and mix them in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can mix immediately on the spot. Then let the paste brew and take a napkin. With the help of the applied efforts and circular motions, you have to wipe off the ink. You will have to spend some time, but the method is definitely effective.

Tested Methods for Removing Permanent Marker from Different Surfaces in Your Home

Removing Permanent Marker Stain from Carpets

When it comes to cleaning permanent marker stains from the carpet, you have to be much more careful. It all depends on its colour and the length of the pile. It is best to try the alcohol first. Dampen a napkin with it and simply apply it to the stain. If you do not want the stain to increase in size, do not rub it under any circumstances. To enhance the effect, you can apply hairspray to the stain. When the stain is gone, dampen the stain and dry the carpet.

There are some basic carpet cleaning rules you need to follow when you clean permanent marker stains from the carpet. 

  • If the stain is fresh, you need to act quickly. Dried marker stain is more difficult to remove. Here you will need to use special chemical compounds or folk remedies. 
  • Before you start removing dirt, you need to try a cleaning composition on an invisible part of the product, so as not to spoil the appearance. 
  • You need to clean from the edge to the centre of the stain so that it does not increase.

Steam Carpet Cleaning and Stain Removal

Using the carpet steam cleaning method, you can clean the carpet from dirt, oil stains, and even mould. Thanks to the pressure and high temperature, the steam separates the dirt and mould from the carpet fibres, softens them and sends them to the dust container. A conventional vacuum cleaner removes only volatile elements. Dust and complex stains remain on the surface of the carpet. At the same time, without a simple vacuum cleaner, you cannot completely achieve a positive result, since the steam cleaner does not collect or suck in dust, therefore, cleaning consists of two complementary stages. First, the carpet is cleaned with a simple vacuum cleaner and only then with steam.

If you do not have time to do hot water extraction carpet cleaning or do not consider it expedient to buy a steam cleaner you can order carpet cleaning services from a professional carpet cleaning company.

Removing Permanent Marker Stain from Furniture

For leather furniture, the hairspray method is great. Apply it to the stain and wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth. Once the stain has been removed, simply apply a leather furniture conditioner to the stain.

To remove a stain from fabric upholstery, you need to moisten a cloth or towel with 9% hydrogen peroxide solution and rub the stain for 10 minutes. Then take another dry and clean cloth and moisten it with alcohol. Place a rag against the fabric to remove the marker ink. Then take a dry towel and dry the fabric well.

How to remove permanent marker from your home

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