Parents in Business featuring Mums Journey

Parents in Business featuring Mums Journey

This week I would like to introduce Ivana the founder of Mums Journey , helping other Mums by setting clear expectations of parenthood, lowering the risk of post-natal depression and ensuring that they lead a happy and stress-free motherhood. This sounds really useful and helpful. Also Ivana has become a happy motherhood coach, and offers 1-2-1 sessions to Mothers. Do have a read of Ivana’s business story and how she set up Mums Journey. 

Tell me a little bit about you, your background, and your business?

I am from Slovakia and moved to England 7 years ago with only a passport. I met my husband a few years later and after 2 months of dating became pregnant with twins boys (I have to stress it was a planned pregnancy). I love our boys to death although the beginning of my motherhood journey was rather horrific. I survived postnatal depression, which was frankly the worst experience of my life but on the other hand, also a start to my business.

I run the blog and last year was shortlisted in Best Business Women Awards for Best Blogger, which was a huge achievement. I also published the book am ‘Motherhood – The Unspoken’, which offers real insights into the life of a new mum, fills a gap in postnatal mental care services, and helps reduce the risks of postnatal depression. I also offer NLP sessions to mothers who want to live stress-free joyful life. This year, I am also launching my first online course, which I am extremely excited about.

Parents in Business featuring Mums Journey

What were your motivations for setting up your business?

The emptiness, despair, and overwhelm I felt as a new mother. When I understood how many mums feel exactly the same, I knew I had to do something about it.

Sadly, most perinatal classes don’t offer information about life after the baby arrives and postnatal mental health. I find this shocking because there are so many mothers who suffer in silence.

Even if it doesn’t go as far as depression. 

Being a mother is not all bed of roses and far from how it is often being presented on media. A new mother is somewhat automatically expected to be happy from the first moment. The reality is often different though so if the feelings of happiness don’t arrive right away, a mother feels like a failure and often falls into depression. It is a vicious circle. Over time, as my boys got bigger, I also understood that it is not only new mums who struggle. Every stage of motherhood is different and brings different challenges.

Truth is, that back in the old days, mothers spend time together and helped each other out. But today, a mother is lonely, isolated, and judged. It is like motherhood became a competition over the years.

Mothers spend years struggling, being hard on themselves, trying to make it all… when in fact all they need is a bit of more information and relevant support.

All this works like an engine that pushes me forward. Of course, there were moments when I thought of giving up. When I cried and thought I couldn’t do it anymore. But in moments like that, I always remember how lonely and scared I felt once. And this always gives me my inner power back.

How do you balance the business around your family and childcare?

In the beginning, I could only work in the evenings when the boys went to bed, which was really challenging. So when they started nursery last year, it was life-changing as I could finally work during the day.

I admit I used to work until silly hours in the morning but over time I understood that this approach didn’t take me anywhere. I learned that we do much more effective work when our mind is relaxed and we don’t push ourselves. Sometimes working less hours means doing more.

Also, I don’t want to miss out on precious time with my boys while they are little. That is why I try to do all the work while they are in the nursery. Once they are at home, laptop and phone go off and we spend time together.

Evenings I make sure to spend with my husband. Well, most of them anyway. When you are a parent, it is very easy to slip into the routine where you have no time for your partner. This can be a silent killer for the relationship so we both always make sure to find the time for each other. Even if we just turn the TV off and talk for a while.  

Parents in Business featuring Mums Journey

Since setting up your business what’s been your biggest success to date?

Personally, I find the greatest success when I receive a message from my reader or client saying that my work saved them. The feeling that I helped someone to that extent is beyond any words could ever express. 

What are your top tips for anyone who is thinking about setting up their own business?

If you have a calling, please go for it. If you have something to offer to the world, it is your responsibility to share it. 

There are so many people out there who need exactly what you have to offer. Step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. Whenever you have doubts, just listen to your guts. Your intuition will always guide you put you back on the right track.

It will be tough at times but that is all a part of the learning process. I believe that where there is faith and passion, there is always a way. 

Thank you so much Ivana being part of my series, it has been lovely to feature you and I wish you all the best in the future. 

To find out more you can visit Ivana’s website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channel. 

If you like what you’re reading and would love to be part of my Parents in Business series just drop me an email: Or have a nose at some of the other businesses I have featured in the series: OliikiSprout, and Talented Ladies Club.


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