Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

My kids love role play. Freya is always asking me to play dolls with her, and Bertie always wants to play trains or cars with him (I promise I haven’t created a gender typical toy preference here, it’s just what they like playing with). Role play is so important for children to help them learn, and to give them a little taste of the real world.

When it comes to role play what really grabbed their attention was sweets, and as you can imagine they jumped at the chance to play with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop.

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

The sweet shop is brilliant. It’s perfectly designed for little ones and really easy to set up once it’s out of the box. All I had to do was to click in the weighing scales and add a few stickers, and then we were ready to go.

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

Both Bertie and Freya loved it. Freya loved pretending to be the shop keeper whilst Bertie was the customer and vice versa. The sweet shop comes with pretend coins and notes, making it a great way to introduce the concept of money to children as well as involving them in the counting of money. All essential life skills if you ask me.

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

It also comes with a pretend weighing scales that moved based on how many sweets were placed on the scales, helping to encourage children to weigh items and to introduce the idea that everything weighs something.

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

Then once the sweets have been purchased, the pretend money has been passed over the counter and into the pretend cash register it’s time to eat the sweets.

The Pick n Mix Sweet Shop comes with a bag of sweets and four lollipops, and better still no batteries are required! Now that’s a win in my book!

You can purchase the Sweet Shop from all good retailers including Amazon.

Claire x

Review: Playing shop with the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop

I was gifted the Casdon Pick n Mix Sweet Shop.

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