5 things I learned from having a long distance relationship
This is a bit of different blog post for me and it’s a little insight into my life. I bet that you didn’t know that my husband and I had a long distance relationship for nearly a year before he moved to London. Although that was a long time ago, and we are now married and living together with two children, having a long distance relationship was fun, yet also threw its challenges. So for anyone who is currently doing the same here are five things that I learned from having a long distance relationship that I wanted to share with you.
Communicate often
We are so lucky with all the technology that is around us today. It makes communication so easy. You can see other via video call on Facetime, and regularly stay in contact on What’s App. It is really important to keep talking to each other. Just because you can’t physically see other, it’s vital for the relationship to see other and explain what you are doing on a regularly basis. Having a long distane relationship may mean that you can easily hide things or allow the other person to have doubts, but these can easily be avoided with regular and daily communication.
Be prepared to travel
No doubt you will be travelling a lot. This could be travelling the length and breadth of a county or the country, or it may involve a plane journey. Whatever you do to keep the spark alive you will need to be prepared to travel every couple of weeks. I used to love the excitement of travelling to see my now husband, and vice versa when he came to visit me. For example if you’re living in Cornwall, The Cornwall Dating Site and Date Cornwall Singles allows to find a match which may mean travelling from South Cornwall to North Cornwall.
It will be challenging
I’m not going to lie here, but having a long distance relationship does have it’s moment. It’s tough not seeing your partner when you want to see them and goodbyes are always hard. Be prepared for challenges and always talk them through. It may feel easy to hide feelings that you have because you are not together all the time, however this is only going to put a strain on the relationship. So it’s best to be open and honest with each other from the get go. It may also be challenging if you’re older and worried about the possibility of a long distance relationship especially if children are involved. Mature Cornwall Dating can help with a finding more a local match so that you’re not travelling for hours and hours.
Make lots of plans
With any relationship it’s important to make plans, more so when that relationship is long distance. Before my husband and I moved in together we had many plans for holidays, days out and plans when we were next going to see other. So to help keep that spark and passion alive always have a new plan or event on the horizon, and know exactly when you are going to see other when you say farewell. There is nothing worse than not knowing when you will see each other next when you’re in a long distance relationship.
Enjoy your time together
Last but not least, have fun. Enjoy every moment that you have together. If you’re seeing each other for a weekend, then make every moment of that weekend count. My last piece of advice and it’s probably the most important point is to create happy memories that you can reflect back on when you’re not together.
I hope that this post has helped you if you are in a long distance relationship, and I would love to hear your tips for keeping that spark alive.
Claire x
This is a collaborative post.

One Comment
Dewan Prince
Hey Claire!
Its awesome ideas that you mentioned on having a distance relationship. I’ve gone through on it and found the 5 points is just great. Would love to see your blog again.
Good day.
Regards From