The Facts About Starting A Career In Healthcare
Nowadays, there is a lot of buzz about the expanding healthcare industry. At every turn, you hear about the high demand for health workers who are willing to care for the aging population. Because not everyone can afford to attend medical school, you can get an associate degree to work in the healthcare industry.
Careers in the healthcare industry with short-term training requirements are:
- Medical assistant
- Dental hygienist
- Patient care technician
- Associate degree in nursing
- Physical therapy assistant
Here are some important facts to know before you decide to pursue a career in the healthcare industry:
Physical Demands
If you will be working directly with patients, you need to meet several physical requirements. You might have to pass a physical before being accepted into some training programs. A physical ensures that you can meet the physical demands of the job as an intern and after you get employment.
The most common physical requirements for healthcare jobs are:
- The ability to lift 100 pounds
- Working for long periods without taking breaks
- Lifting patients to wheelchairs
Wages and Salaries
Although most people think that healthcare is the best-paying field, this is not true for all jobs. The wages that you should expect will go hand in hand with the amount of training that you receive. Short-term certifications are for entry-level jobs and the salaries will reflect that. If you want to apply for a job at the OB-GYN office, you can check here for vacancies and salaries.
Background Checks
To work in the field of healthcare, you need to pass a background check. Most training programs will require you to pass a background test before you start your training. Although not all convictions will keep you from working in healthcare, some misdemeanors and felonies will.
Hours and Schedules
Since most patients need 24-hour care, you can always find a healthcare position with the right working hours for you. For instance, if you are looking for a 9-5 job, working at a doctor’s office is the best option for you. On the other hand, if you are going to be working in a hospital setting, you should be prepared for a shift-based schedule and your holidays and weekends might be used up.
Passion Matters
Although a career in healthcare can be rewarding, it can also be very demanding. For this reason, the people who thrive in healthcare are the ones who have a passion for helping others. You need to ask yourself why you are getting into the industry. If you are doing it for the money, you should consider another career path.
Practicums and Internships
Most training programs in the healthcare industry require clinical practicums or internships. This is a wonderful way to get one foot in the door when looking for employment or gain experience in a real working environment. Most employers look for experience and credentials, which makes internships a good idea.
Moreover, an internship will give you enough hours to gain licensing or certification. When looking for a healthcare training program, you should look for one that offers internships.
With the growth expected in the healthcare industry, the number of job opportunities should be enough. You should consider all the facts given above to make sure that you want to get into the healthcare industry. Are you willing to work long and tiring hours with little pay?
You should think about all the pros and cons before you make up your mind. After all, you do not want to be stuck in a career that you despise for the rest of your life.
Claire x