Parents in Business featuring Love Ladies Business Group
This week on my Parents in Business series I’m delighted to feature Kim who launched the London arm of Love Ladies Business Group, designed to help and mentor women, whilst finding things that stopping their success.
Do have a read of Kim’s story, it’s full of inspiration, feeling hoping and positivity, rather than feeling fearful about what could happen. I think that we could all do with a little bit of that at the moment.
Tell me a little bit about you, your background, and your business?
Having spent 25 years in corporate life moving from hairdresser to C-Suite in a FTSE 250. I decided the time was right to take what I had learnt and retrain. So I re-qualified as an executive leadership coach and mentor, and set up Love Ladies Business Group.
What were your motivations for setting up your business?
The main reason for setting up my business was to get a better balance in my life. I’d had two major potentially life-threatening illnesses in a short period and realised I needed to take better care of myself to be the best mum that I could be and be there for Scarlett. Hence, I gave up the prominent corporate roles, retrained and started on my own. My main driver is to help others to unlock their potential to get out of their way, to stop being a barrier to success. I often think particularly as women we struggle to see our strengths. We instead focus on all the things we can’t do and yet the reality is that it’s just the stories in our head. For me the ability to show others that there is nothing in life you can’t do if you have the right steps and try. It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning; it’s what lights up my life. My driver is to help others to unlock their potential to get out of their way to stop being a barrier to success.
How do you balance the business around your family and childcare?
I’m very fortunate, my little girl is three, and I have a fantastic nursery and a great circle of support around me in my family and a couple of mum friends. Hence, the majority of my work I’m able to do around Scarlett. The beauty of coaching is I can do it when she’s gone to bed at night through Skype and Zoom which allows me to widen the stretch that I’ve got and get some more clients—also ensuring that I’m the one that takes her to and from nursery. It mainly works in balance and we get that quality time. It can be hard though there can be times when trains get delayed or people need you to be there for a late meeting and that’s when it’s really critical that you’ve got the right support network around you.
Since setting up your business what’s been your biggest success to date?
My most significant success so far has been one of the hosts at the launch of Love Ladies Business at The Ivy. LoveBiz has been such a fantastic support to me and my business and the chance to be part of its expansion and to connect with more business women looking to support and empower each other is such a privilege. The group always gets together in the day so fits perfectly around childcare and has given me an even greater support network. I’m thrilled to say I’m also about to launch a mastermind group in collaboration with a significant international exec coaching firm and just was given a scholarship to become a Marshall Goldsmith accredited coach so feel like I’m actually on a real high 18 months into my business. I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities that I’d have.
What are your top tip for anyone who is thinking about setting up their own business?
So my top tip is to think hard about what is your niche it sounds counterintuitive when you start. There is a real concern that if you go in too narrow, you’re going to switch off your customers. The reality is if you can be clear on exactly who it is you can help what’s their problem and how you can solve it clients just come to you because they are looking for an expert and that is what you are. I think the other thing is we hold ourselves back. We panic about it being the perfect time maybe now is not like the children are too young LOL. How we are going to balance it mainly as mothers, we do carry that kind of mental burden, and I think they call it the mental load of the family and how we put all of those together there is no perfect time you’ve just got to trust in yourself. As they say, the only thing greater than fear is hope so rather than being fearful that something might go wrong focus on hoping that they’ll go right.
Thank you so much Kim for taking part in my series it has been a pleasure to feature you.
To find out more about Love Ladies Business Group visit the website and Instagram.
If you like what you’re reading and would love to be part of my Parents in Business series just drop me an email: thepramshedblog@gmail.com. Or have a nose at some of the other businesses I have featured in the series: This Is Silk, Broadway Kitchens, and Banks’ Business Solutions.