Parents in Business featuring Super Mum Society

Parents in Business featuring Super Mum Society

This week on my Parents in Business series I’m delighted to feature Jessica who created Super Mum Society, and I am super excited to be featuring this lovely lady and her business on the blog today.

Her story and her infectious attitude is enough to bring a smile to my face, and flip on its head all the negatives that parenting and motherhood can bring.  So if you’re craving a happier motherhood, learning how to timeblock your day, and wanting to achieve a better outlook on life, read on. I promise you that this interview will leave you feeling uplifted…..

Tell me a little bit about you, your background, and your business?

I’m Felicity’s Mummy! That is my number one job title. But after that I’m also called Jessica the founder and face of Super Mum Society. Home is the far edges of south-west Greater London, in a community-based town called Teddington. I lovingly refer to it as the place city centre folk come to have babies. I love my life because I have spent a lot of time designing it myself, to my own rules and values. It wasn’t always like this.

In 2013 I was in a pretty dark place, but when my mum got sick everything changed. I love being a mum. Yes, it is super hard, but I have chosen to enjoy it and see it as a positive experience and I wanted to help other mums do that too. That’s a part of why I started Super Mum Society, resources for a better, easier, happier motherhood. We focus on helping mums to be the mums they want to be by letting go of negativity, standing strong in their own choices and realising that they are SUPER. We share skills and strategies that people think should just be natural but are actually very teachable and can make such a difference. Things like time management, organisation, decluttering, life infrastructure. Parents in Business featuring Super Mum Society What were your motivations for setting up your business?

My motivators have come in layers. I initially wanted a YouTube channel, this was pre-baby. While I was pregnant I started looking at my end work/life goal and how I wanted to be spending my days/weeks/months/years. I wanted freedom of time, I loved creating content for social media, learning new skills, presenting on video, some writing but not too much, I wanted to be doing some public speaking.
I basically created how I would deliver my work before I even knew “what” my work was. When I became a mum, I discovered my “what”. It turned out I clashed with a lot of the images of motherhood out there and was hugely dishearten by how negative it was made out to be. My baby was a miracle and I had waited a long time for her. I wanted to enjoy it. Many of the skills I had learnt in my work and personal life so far had a massive impact on my enjoyment of this hard challenge and they seemed to help other mums too. In the end it basically comes down to wanting to help mums enjoy motherhood and love their lives, while also for filling my needs as a business minded woman.

How do you balance the business around family and childcare?

Time Blocking! It’s one of my favourite skills to teach. I work at odd times. Early mornings, evenings, lunch naps and 2 childcare slots. I get more done now in much less hours then I ever did in a full-time job. I set exactly what I am doing with my time for the coming week on a Sunday morning as part of my weekly review (you can set you own one up for free at

I really push myself during my work time to stay on track, so I can relax and stay focused when it is family time. We have a lot of structure to our family life which allows us to get the “life admin” and domestic side done quickly. We have family dinners 6 nights a week, 5 of these nights we both go back to work after small is in bed. If you currently have no structure it can be a hard slog setting it up and even feel a bit like you are going backwards to start with, but in the long term it is life-changing.

Parents in Business featuring Super Mum Society

Since setting up your business what has been your biggest success to date?

It’s my every day, all the little bits. It’s a success because each day I am living the life I want. I have big and small goals along the way, but I measure my success by the journey. Super Mum Society now has a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, growing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest following, a physical product on sale, two more in final design stages, a workshop about to launch and we are planning our first retreat weekend. It seems like a lot when I write it down like that. I’ve loved it. Some days I get overwhelmed, because I’m only human. But I have a plan and I stick to it. Knowing what success is to me really helps, otherwise you can find yourself living someone else’s life and chasing down someone else’s vision of success.

What are your top tips for parents who are thinking about setting up their own business?

Begin with the end in mind. What do you want to be doing with your days? Because they make up your life. Starting your own business is not a fast way to earn cash, break-even is often 3 years down the line. There’s no quick fix, just a lot of hard work. But if you love what you are creating, how you are creating it and how it serves someone the work feels awesome.
When you are looking at your end vision of life, do not limit yourself to who you are now. I couldn’t be further from the person I was in 2013. If you want to change you can. You can grow and learn beyond your wildest dreams, but you have to be willing to forgive and forget (mainly yourself) and take advice from those around you. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so surround yourself with positive, supporting and loving people. I do this with a mixture of on and offline people. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those doing or living the way you want to and ask how they got there. This might mean reading their book or it could mean sending them a tweet or DM. You deserve to LOVE YOUR LIFE.
Thank you so much Jessica for letting me feature you and your business on my blog as part of this series. Keep up the amazing work and all the best for the future.

You can find out more by visiting the Super Mum Society website, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest

If you like what you’re reading and would love to be part of my Parents in Business series just drop me an email: Or have a nose at some of the other businesses I have featured in the series: Christine GouchaultNano Spanish, and Hummy Mummies.

Claire x

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