My 5 favourite blogs – September 2017
It’s really important to share, and to share the love when it comes to blogging. When I first started my blog in January 2016 I craved to be noticed, to be seen by well known bloggers and mums to help raise my profile. If I’m honest I love it when other people share my blog, or who share one of my posts. It makes me feel like something is going right, and I’ve written something that people want to read. Sharing blogs is also great for that ever precious DA (domain authority) and link building. So that’s why I’ve decided to set up this monthly series where I feature my 5 favourite blogs at the moment.
The Mummy Bubble
I love this blog. It’s my go to destination for parenting news. Why go to Baby Centre, just visit The Mummy Bubble. This blog is owned and written by one of my closest friends who I went to uni with (no I am not biased just because it’s one of my friends). I really like her honesty and ranty opinion, plus how quickly her blog has grown in such a short amount of time. I can really see this blog going places, and I hope that you agree.
This Real Life Dad
The first time that I read a post by Michael at This Real Life Dad I was hooked. This is a truly humbling and heartwarming blog to read from a Dad blogger. It’s full of honesty around Michael’s illness and what it means to his family. Plus it’s full of positivity on what Michael wants to achieve once he’s feeling better. If you haven’t already, please take a look at this blog.
Fox Fairies
I absolutely adore seeing the lovely Francis and Beatrice from the Fox Fairies on Instagram stories, hearing about how they’re getting on, especially with their weaning journey. My daughter also really enjoys watching these stories and saying ‘baby’ when she sees them. I’m also truly proud of this lady for having twins, being super positive and happy all the time. You go girl!
Mission Mindfulness
As someone who feels like they lead a crazy and busy life, I love reading Hayley’s at Mission Mindfulness blog. Having met Hayley at a Lucky Things meet up she is a truly positive and inspiring lady, and her blog fully represents her personally. She knows what she’s talking about, and this blog specialises (niches) in mindfulness, with fantastic advice for parents about how to instill mindfulness into themselves, their children and teens.
Hunters and Heels
I adore this blog, in fact it makes me a little envious. I love seeing all the beautiful brands, products, pictures and general lovelyness that Lauren at Hunters and Heels is working on. Her Instagram Stories are heartwarming, and her boys are gorgeous. I would say at the moment that this is my blog crush.
So those are my 5 favourite bloggers for September.
Who are your favourite bloggers? I would love to hear to help share the support and the blog love.
Claire x

Hayley @ Mission : Mindfulness
Awwwww Claire this is a lovely post and I feel very emotional about your kind words and you mentioning my little blog. Thanks so much xxx
Hayley @ Mission : Mindfulness
Aw Claire this is a lovely post and I feel very emotional about your kind words and you mentioning my little blog. Thanks so much xxx
Karen, the next best thing to mummy
There are, so many fantastic blogs, written by some equally fantastic bloggers that it is too difficult to chose my favourite
Thank you so so much for featuring me here darling! So kind of you and a real honour! Happy Sunday! Xox
Michael McFarlane
I’ve just saw your post and your kind words. Thank you so much for including me. X