Sunshine Blogger Award
A couple of week’s ago I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by the lovely Ellen at Babies, Biscuits and Booze. Ellen is such a lovely and kind blogger, and I really enjoy reading her blog. It’s full of parenting truths, as well as being funny too. So I was thrilled to receive a Tweet from Ellen nominating me. I really enjoy completing these tags, as it allows me to reveal a little more about The Pramshed to the wider blogging community, as well as giving other bloggers a chance to shine.
Here’s my answers for the questions that Ellen set for me:
What song is guaranteed to get you on the dancefloor?
It has to be Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. I’ve got it playing in the background now as I write this and it is making me want to get up and dance (I am drinking a glass of red wine too which might have something to do with it).
If you were reincarnated as an animal, what would you be and why?
Ooh tricky one. I think it would have to be a giraffe, as they are tall and elegant.
What’s your favourite item of clothing? (this is not a kinky question, soz if it sounds that way!!)
This is really boring, but it’s my skinny jeans. I could not live without them. I have so many pairs, it’s a bit ridiculous. Last weekend I bought two new pairs to add to the ever growing collection.
Which fictional character do you think you’re most like?
I have no idea. Sorry I am rubbish at these types of questions. Can I pass?
What’s your favourite wine? (or if you don’t drink wine, favourite beer/spirit?)
If it’s white wine, then my favourite at the moment is a Picpoul De Pinet. If it’s red wine then I love a chilled Beaujolais. I couldn’t find any in Sainsburys earlier, so I’m making do with Chianti which is also chilled. Weirdly I prefer a slightly chilled red to a warm red.
How regularly do you blog? Would you like to blog more often?
I try to publish a new blog post twice a week, plus my #fortheloveofBLOG linky post. As well as this I have all my reading and commenting to do throughout the week. My other blog admin tasks are trying to join at least one linky a week, and to schedule all my tweets. I’m also trying to get better at Facebook and Instagram. Since going back to work I have less time to blog, and I try to maximise my time by reading and commenting on my commute, then the rest is done in the evenings and at the weekend.
Which singer or band do you wish you could see live?
Fleetwood Mac. I love all their music, and I would love to see them. I don’t think I could ever get bored of listening to Fleetwood Mac. Or Dire Straits.
I don’t have a party trick, which makes me really sad. Do you have one and what is it?
I don’t have one either 🙁
What is your must-have item since having kids?
Gro-Bag (s). I couldn’t be without them. My daughter does not sleep under blankets, and always sleeps along the edge of the bed. I am wondering when she will sleep straight in the bed, and if she will ever be able to sleep under a duvet.
I am buying you cake. What are you having?
Chocolate Guiness Cake with a cream topping, and a latte. Thank you 🙂
To keep the award ticking on, I am nominating:
– Sarah at Mum & Mor
– Liane at Mrs Mummy Harris 86
– Sarah at Digital Motherhood
– Kirsty at Winnettes
– Claire at Now My Name is Mummy
The rules are simple. Answer my questions below on a new blog post of yours, and then nominate another 5 bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Awards.
Here are my questions for you:
- What is your favourite TV programme and why?
- How would you spend your ideal Saturday night?
- Tell us about the best holiday you’ve been on and why?
- Why did you start blogging?
- What are you blog successes (for you) since you’ve started your blog?
- What would be your dream holiday be if money were no object?
- What is your favourite book and why?
- What’s your favourite TV Christmas advert?
- Who are your three favourite bloggers?
- How do you keep yourself motivated to keep your blog up and running?
I’m looking forward to reading your responses. If you drop me a tweet once your blog post is live, I will give you a retweet on Twitter and a share on my Facebook page.
Claire x

Kirsty - winnettes
Great cake choice! A lovey read, I look forward to answering your questions x
Yay!! Love your answers. Fleetwood Mac are amazing, I saw them at the o2 when I was pregnant and it was incredible. Also chocolate Guinness cake ❤️❤️ I don’t think I know anyone else who drinks chilled red wine, although I’m not really a red fan so maybe I should try it that way. I love sleeping bags for my little one too but he seems to be finding them a bit annoying at the moment – I might have to get him the ones which leave their feet out! Thanks so much for taking part xx
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
Wow – Guiness cake! Sounds oddly appealing! Love these sorts of posts and reading more about my lovely fellow bloggers xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Cherry at The Newby Tribe
Love your answers – it’s so lovely to find out more about the people behind the blogs! Being a giraffe sounds fab too 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
oh I love this! Love your passion of skinny jeans – me too! Oh and yes to Fleetwood Mac and Dire Straits!! #fortheloveofBLOG
Michelle G
I love these. It’s always so nice to get to know other bloggers. I’m a fan of skinny jeans and chilled red in the summer #fortheloveofBLOG
Chocolate Guiness Cake?!! Where? I need some right now with my coffee 🙂 Alison x #fortheloveofblog
Ali Duke
Skinny jeans are great, you cannot have enough pairs lol.
I. I’m soooo nosy I love reading this kind of thing!! That cake sounds very interesting and I’m prone to smashing out the dance moves after a glass of red too!! #fortheloveofBLOG
Chocolate Guinness cake sounds delish ! I try and aim for two posts a week too but often don’t manage it – blogging is so time consuming #fortheloveofblog
Peachy and her Mommy
Peachy won’t sleep in the middle of her bed either. I’m constantly amazed by how much she travels durring the night. #fortheloveofBLOG
Squirmy Popple
I’m with you on Don’t Stop Believing – it was one of the first songs we played at our wedding and it was a huge hit! I’ll take some of that Guiness cake too, thanks. 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
Lucy | Lucy's Locket
I enjoy these ‘get to know me’ type posts. Thanks for sharing! #fortheloveofBLOG
I think these tags are rather fun. Thanks for the insight.#fortheloveofBLOG
I love these. Such a good way to get to know others a bit more. I’ve actually been nominated myself to do this but haven’t had a chance to do it yet.
Grobags! The best invention ever xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Louise -Mummy Miller
Great post, I love reading these sorts of things! #fortheloveofBLOG
I’ve just been nominated by the lovely Kirsty at Winnettes and she mentioned in her post that she’s been nominated by you so I thought I’d pop along to see what your Q&As were. I love this whole pay it forward part of blogging. Lovely to get to know you a little better. I bet you’re looking forward to the next round of Beaujolais nouveau in November. I spent two years in Dijon and my hubby’s French and it was always a big thing to celebrate the new season’s arrival #fortheloveofBLOG
Lydia c lee
That cake sounds fab!! #fortheloveofblog
I love the Sunshine Blogger Award – it’s nice to find out more about the person behind the words! I too would be a giraffe and love my skinny jeans #fortheloveofBLOG
Tooting Mama
What a great award, it’s lovely reading your answers I feel I have got to know you that much better. I now picture you dancing around your living rooms in your skinny jeans drinking white wine! #fortheloveofblog
Becci - The UnNatural Mother
I stopped at chocolate Guiness Cake !! Ha ha . I also do most of my blogging on the train to work and in the evening.#fortheloveofBLOG
Kate Orson
Lovely answers. I’m not sure about chilled red wine, but I feel like going to listen to some fleetwood mac now! #fortheloveofBLOG
Jane Taylor Maflingo
Ooooh! I love these tags! Lovely to find more out about you, Claire. Oh, and Gro-bags are amazing! Thankfully they were even around when I had my girls 😉
I couldn’t live without my skinny jeans either. I’m terrified they’ll go out of fashion cos I’ve no idea what I’d wear then! #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
We would go back to boot cut jeans!
Nadia - ScandiMummy
I love reading these as they reveal something about the blogger that he or she might not have thought of themselves. #fortheloveofBLOG
Nadia – Scandimummy x
Mindful Mummy Mission
Lovely to find out more about you – hats off to you for all the blogging work you do on top of your full time job and being a Mummy. We love Gro-bags in our house too! #fortheloveofBLOG x
Emma me and b make tea
great answers 🙂 gro-bags are a must have here too! #fortheloveofblog
Angela Watling
Great answers. I couldn’t cope without Grobags either because my daughter is the same and sleeps all over the place. Right now I reckon she’ll be sleeping in one when she’s an adult because the girl does not keep still!! #fortheloveofBLOG
five little doves
Chocolate guiness cake?? I have never heard of it but I bet its amazing!! I love these awards, it’s always lovely to hear more about some of my favourite bloggers! #fortheloveofblog
I so agree grobags are the best invention ever and I like my red slightly chilled too… and my white with tonnes of ice! Xx #fortheloveofblog
Grobags! Hearing so much about them. I didn’t have one with my first but being pregnant with baby #2, I definitely think I’m going to purchase one this time around. Like you, I don’t have any party drinks….though being able to consume wine at a lovely quick pace could be classed as one right? I love a good white wine! #fortheloveofBlog
Susie at This Is Me Now
Oh this is such a cool thing to be part of. I love reading more about the people behind my favourite blogs. And yes I need to try that cake! #fortheloveofBLOG
Sunita - Lucky Things blog
I grew up with Fleetwood Mac (not literally Claire!) so I love a lot of their songs. At the time they felt like grown up music. So cool finding out some more things about the lady behind The Pramshed. Can’t wait to catch up (even quickly) at BlogFest next week. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I can’t wait to see you next week at Blogfest x
The Pramshed
Looking forward to catching up with you at Blogfest too x x
Aaarrrggghhh! Don’t stop believing is now in my head!!! Could be worse – good tune!