Week in Review #16
Wow, what a brilliant week we had weather-wise, it was so lovely and sunny in London allowing us to spend lots of time outside, sitting in the sunshine, I even got a little bit of a tan. As it was such a nice week, it meant that last week was also a busy week.
Garden Play Date
I turned our garden into minature soft play, bringing the play pen (travel cot), pop-up tent and foam floor tiles outside for a play date with some of the NCT girls and their babies. Yes there was wine involved, and tea and cake too. We spent a good few hours sitting outside in the sunshine, chatting, whilst our babies played together. Our babies are all about 9/10 months old, and are at an age where they are really interacting with each other.
I’ve not taken our little one swimming for a while, so this week I ventured down to the local swimming pool to check that she still liked the water. As I hadn’t been for a while, and our little one has grown so much I had to squeeze her into her happy nappy and wetsuit, she didn’t seem to mind but I definitely need a bigger size for our next trip to the pool. We went to same pool for our Water Babies classes, and I have never felt it so warm, I’m not sure if the warm weather had anything to do with it, but it was like being in a bath. Our little one really enjoyed being in then pool, and was happy enough to be dunked underwater – something I learnt in our Water Babies class.
Greenwich Park Picnic
We also enjoyed a trip to Greenwich Park with the NCT ladies and their babies (I saw the NCT ladies a lot last week). M&S have a fab new range of picnic food, which I got a little bit excited over, I love it when M&S bring out new food. Anyway we purchased A LOT of food and Prosecco, and made our way to the park, choosing a spot in sun and shade – I’m a lizard and like being in full sun, but I obviously can’t put my daughter in full sun. We spent a few hours in the park, eating, chatting and relaxing, it was a lovely way to spend a Friday afternoon.
Trip to Birmingham and Worcester
On Saturday we had a mad day travelling to Birmingham, then Worcester and then back to London all in one day! We already had plans to go to Worcester for a friend’s birthday, but decided to visit our new nephew in Birmingham on the way as it was pretty much in the same direction. It was lovely to see my Brother-In-Law and Sister-In-Law, and their new baby, he is so cute and so tiny – it was lovely to hold a newborn baby again. We spent a few hours with them walking around the local park and having a coffee before making our way to Worcester.
We then had a lovely afternoon catching up with uni friends, having a few drinks, and eating some lovely BBQ food. Our little one was also so well-behaved she was really happy to sit on a mat and play with toys, and be cooed over.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts we have had a number of incidents of travel sickness, which we experienced again on Saturday. This time we hadn’t even left London before she was sick. Luckily I came prepared with 5 changes of clothes, enough to cope with each leg of our travels.
First BBQ of the year (at home)
As the weather was amazing on Sunday, the best day weather-wise of the whole week, we had our first BBQ at home. We enjoyed rib-eye steak, sausages, salad and potatoes. Simple and quick, but delicious. I also bought the highchair outside, and our little one enjoyed her first alfresco dinner!
Lastly our little one started crawling at the weekend! She started doing it by chasing the remote control around the living room, I’m still using it as a means today to get her to crawl, as she’s not quite crawling for her toys yet.
Hope you enjoyed reading about our lovely week.
Claire x