June Bucket List
Wow, how are we nearly half-way through the year and into my last month of maternity leave. How did this happen? Where did the time go? One piece of advice is make the most of your maternity leave, it goes so fast!
Here’s a look back at what I achieved from my May Bucket List
Read one book – I have completed half of my “Read one book” task, I had set out to finish the book I was reading and to read another. Well, I have finished the book I was reading. Hopefully with a holiday coming up next week, I can make some headway into a new book.
Investigate self-hosting – This I have over-achieved by going self-hosted, we are no longer on a WordPress URL but on my own domain; www.thepramshed.co.uk. It was so much easier and quicker than I thought it would be. I used TSO Host to complete the migration, and to host my site. Once the migration was complete, there was a little tinkering that I needed to do to the layout, but that was it. All very easy!
Fish – Still not done. The fish is still in the freezer. It could possibly have been in there too long now.
Enjoy London – With the end of maternity leave approaching I had set out to do more things in London, venturing further than the area we live. I really haven’t done this, I’ve been so busy with life and the blog. Also with my little one sleeping better in her cot for daytime naps, it is making it harder to get out. Must try harder….
And here’s my June Bucket List:
Pick a new blog theme – Currently I’m using the free Penscratch theme that I chose when my blog went live in January. I’m a little bored of it now, it needs to be smarter, cleaner and more premium. So this month I will be on the look-out for a new theme, and updating my site.
Blog – Over the past month I have made some major changes to the blog by going self-hosted, setting up a Linky, and posting my blog posts on StumbleUpon, all of which have helped to increase traffic. So my hopes for this month are to grow my Twitter followers to 3,000, maintain a steady average views of 100 per day (this may seem a little, but only a few weeks a go I was only getting about 3 views day), and lastly setting up a schedule for posting for the next 2 months. Setting up a schedule is important for me, especially with an impending return to work looming.
Fish – Make the fish pie I have been meaning to make for 2 months.
London – I also must do better with exploring London more. I’m going to set myself to do 2 London things as June is already pretty busy already, plus we are on holiday for over a week.
Sorting out my daughter’s clothes – Not an amazing bucket list item, but I have so many of her clothes still in her drawers which she has grown out needing to be put away. As well as sorting out a lot of clothes we were given from my Sister-in-Law at the weekend.
Have a fab time in Spain – Obviously we will! This will be our first holiday abroad with our little one, and we must make the most of it, by doing lots of activities, and relaxing at the same time. I will make it a priority to take lots of pictures too.
Hopefully I will tick off all these items on my Bucket List, find out how I get on at the end of the month.
Have a fab June!
Claire x

Ah I love a bucket list…good aims. Well done for going self-hosted. Good luck with your theme change and stats aims. Ugh and you’ve reminded me I really need to get clothes sorting – they acquire so much and grow out of if so quickly. Must do this soon! #triballove
The Pramshed
Yep I have so many bags of clothes that I need to sort, and put away….somewhere (shoves in cupboard…closes door) Thanks for commenting Lucy x
My Little Yarn Baby
Wow, 100 views a day is great!!
Do you mind me asking if going self hosted was expensive?x
You are so right about maternity leave flying by it truly does. Having a family members hand me downs is always great as little ones clothes are sooo expensive brand new. Have a great time in Spain looking forward to the photos. #monthlybucketlist
The Pramshed
Thanks for your lovely comment, I can’t believe I only have a month left (argh!) x
Aww a lovely bucket list – you achieved so much in May that I’m in awe! Well done for self-hosting and for reading a book – major achievements in my view! Speaking of views – stumble has quadrupled my daily stats – amazing so I hope you have the same joy. Here’s to a wonderful June for you lovely #triballove
The Pramshed
Thanks Helen for your lovely post! I’m not seeing a huge increase in my stats just get (maybe about 20 views from stumble) – maybe I’m missing a trick. Will investigate further xx
I stumble mine a couple of times a day – I don’t know if that helps? I find it very confusing!
Ruth Jayne
Good luck with all of your aims in June. (: This year is flying by, isn’t it? And well done for going self-hosted (: x
Good luck this month, it sounds like you did well last month… reading half a book in a month is definitely an achievement. I’m pleased I finally finished the book I started in January…. (and the first book I’ve read since H was born 18 months ago!). Every small step and all that!!
Do you find stumble upon helps? I have joined, but need to get going on it as I have heard it helps. I feel like I’m missing something as I’ve been sat static on views since january, so maybe that is the trick I need to concentrate on *amends bucket list* Good luck with the theme, it took me ages to decide on mine, I became quite picky, and tbh I still tweak bits every week. #monthlybucketlist
rachelbustin (@RachelBustin)
I hope you have a lovely time in Spain. Good luck with your lists and well done with going self hosted. I’m too scared to do that at the moment! xx
Beth @ Twinderelmo
Eeek congrats on self hosted! It’s a big thing isn’t it! I’m looking for a new blog theme too which is scary. Hope you have a fantastic holiday and relax. Good luck on the stat growth. It’s lovely when your hard work pays off xxx
The Pramshed
Thank you so much for your lovely words! It definitely is a big thing, but I think looking for a theme is harder. Good luck trying to find a new theme xx