Will I ever have a handbag of my own again
They say that you can tell a lot about a women by her handbag. Err no. Maybe before children, certainly not after. My handbag or lack of one (as you can see by the picture) is so tiny compared to my daughter’s changing bag. Even though I do have a tiny handbag doesn’t mean that it isn’t full of broken biscuits and small toys. So I’m wondering will I ever have a handbag that I can call my own again.
Currently I’m using a tiny clutch bag. It has it’s advantages; it can fit my phone, cards, money, lip glass and a small hair brush, plus a few child like things including a pack of mini cheddars (so all the things that every Mum with a toddler needs). It’s other plus points are that it can easily fit under the buggy, and it can also fit into my daughter’s changing bag. This makes me wonder whether I actually need my own handbag. Should I just shove everything into the changing bag, and forget about me for the time being?
The changing bag on the flip side is huge. We have one of those PacaPod bags, that comes with two separate pods. You can literally fit everything into this bag, including the dog and the kitchen sink. Seriously though it can fit nappies, wipes, muslins, spare change of clothes or two, bottles, books, toys, water bottle, milk cup, my water bottle and a spare clothes for me if required. I have pretty much used this bag religiously since day one of having our little one, and it even came to the hospital with us as one of my hospital bags probably packed full of things we didn’t actually need.
Recently I have noticed that we need the changing bag less and less. There are times when it is no longer taken on every single outing, and I can get away with a few hours away from home without it. Now that our daughter is no longer a baby, she no longer needs her nappy to be changed every 20 minutes so there’s no need to pack 8 or so nappies, and I no longer need specific weaning food to be packed into the food pod. It’s only really used when we are going out for the day, or used as her travel bag when we go on holiday or on a long car journey.
So has the time come for me to ditch the changing bag once and for all, and store it in the wardrobe for it’s next outing or trip away. I think so. I’m not saying that’s forever, as the pods come in handy and are easily just shoved under the buggy. But I think for now, it’s time to focus on my handbag for a change, and pack with the things that I need, rather than broken biscuits.
Do you agree? How do you manage the handbag and changing bag situation? Do you have both, or just shove everything into your changing bag?
Claire x
One Comment
Karen, the next best thing to mummy
Can you imagine how much stuff I used to carry in my handbag when I was a child minder? I once popped my purse into the changing bag of a child I was taking to a toddler group, I forgot to remove it before sending the child and her bag home, her poor mother thought that her child had taken a purse from someone at the group, until I explained it was mine!