Top 10 Winter Heating Tips For You With #WinterHeatingHelp
It’s January. That time of year when we are trying to save money after Christmas, yet it’s freezing so we are using our heating a lot more. Ultimately this is costly, and it’s now that we notice a rise in our fuel and energy bills. Being a parent I am always on the look out for cutting costs and saving where possible to enable us to have an enough money to spend on more exciting things, like holidays and clothes. With this in mind, there are plenty of ways to keep warm whilst saving on heating bills and an overworked boiler.
The #WinterHeatingHelp campaign by Contact Numbers UK aims to provide useful ways for us to stay warm this winter, and do you know what there are so many easy solutions that we can implement around the home and through simply changing our behaviour. So here are my top 10 winter heating tips for you.
- Consider what you are wearing. Are you wearing enough clothes for the current temperature. If it’s really cold could you wear an extra jumper or wear thermals under your clothing? It might sound silly but just wearing another jumper may make you less likely to reach for the heating on switch. I am a huge fan of poncho’s, and they are perfect for keeping me toasty around the home.
- Wear slippers especially if you have hard floors. Wearing slippers will instantly make you feel warmer and take away the chill. So if you have a wooden or tiled floor, or floorboards, then definitely grab a pair of slippers to keep your feet happy and snug.
- On bare floors or tiles place rugs. They will instantly make a room look cosier and warmer, and also take away that cold chill from underfoot.
- In winter use a thicker duvet cover to help keep you warm at night, and do the same with the children’s bedrooms. You should be using a minimum of 13.5 tog on an adult’s bed at night, and this can be swapped to a thinner duvet in the Summer. You can also get thicker and thinner duvets for toddler and cot beds, just remember to choose the correct tog rating so your child doesn’t overheat.
- Keep moving. It goes without saying that the more you do the warmer you feel. So if you’re feeling cold do something, it could be as simple as doing the hoovering or cleaning the bathroom. You’ll be getting warmer whilst doing the household chores at the same time.
- Light candles. They will not instantly add heat to a room, but they will make a room feel cosy and warm. Just remember to blow them out before you go to bed.
- Keep yourself topped up with hot drinks. There are so many delicious hot chocolates and teas you can try, and there is no need to stick to boring English Breakfast tea or coffee. Having a tasty frothy hot chocolate with marshmallows will make you feel warmer straight away.
- Have a bath. You’ll obviously be using the boiler to heat the water, but having a bath will warm you up, and may mean that you can reduce the temperature on your heating thermostat.
- Keep your curtains and blinds closed as soon as it gets dark and the outside temperature starts to drop. If you do have your heating on in the evening, the closed curtains will help to keep inside the room.
- Play with your children, have an indoor game of football with a softball, or play hide and seek. Any movement you are doing will help you to warm up and increase your body temperature. Plus it will be a fun activity for everyone.
- Or why not call suppliers like British Gas to get the best rate.
So those are my top 10 winter heating tips for you to keep you warm, and to help you reduce your heating bills as part of the #WinterHeatingHelp campaign.
Here’s what other bloggers had to say what their top tips are for keeping warm:
- Twinderelmo says “A smart meter is a great way to stay in control of what you’re spending so you aren’t landed with a huge bill.”
- Mummy Alarm says “If I get cold sitting at the desk all day, I simply fill a hot water bottle and put it on my back. It’s so comfy!”
- My Boys Club says “Keep thermostat low but constant during awake times to maintain a temperature to avoid having to keep reheating up your home.”
- Soph-obsessed says “Keep the doors closed and keep heat contained into.one room. Only have radiators turned on in rooms you are in most of the time!”
- Ready, Freddie, Go! says “Tuck curtains behind the radiators if you use them, otherwise the heat you are paying to use heats the window and not the room!”
How do you stay warm at home during the Winter?
Claire x
This post is written in collaboration with Contact Numbers UK.

Adjust your water heater. The recommended temperature for most water heaters is 120°. If your water heater is set too hot, it will not only waste energy, but can be a safety hazard.
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