The Mummy Tag
A few week’s ago I was delighted to be nominated for The Mummy Tag by Fi from At Mum Track Mind. I love getting nominated for these sort of things, as it allows me to divulge a little more about me to the blogging world, that I wouldn’t do normally. The Mummy Tag is a simple idea, where you answer a set of questions, and then nominate two people to take The Mummy Tag themselves.
Have a gander of the questions and answers below to find out a little more about me, and who I nominated for The Mummy Tag.
Are you a Stay at Home Mummy or a Working Mummy?
Up until two week’s ago I was on maternity leave. Now I’m a full-time Working Mummy trying to find the balance between work and being a Mum. We haven’t yet settled into a routine, so it’s a bit of a scramble in the morning and at the end of the day, doing the nursery drop-offs and pick-ups, and managing work and a household in between.
Would you have it any other way?
When I finished work last year to have my baby, I always knew that I would return to work. I knew that I couldn’t be a SAHM, as I need something to keep my brain active. At the moment I wouldn’t have it any other way, but ask me that question in a few month’s time and we’ll see if my answer is the same.
Do you co-sleep?
I have never shared a bed with my daughter. This scares me. My concern was that I would roll over and crush her. In the beginning I did used to have nightmares and wake-up thinking that she was lost in the duvet, and I would wake up searching for her.
She did sleep in our room in her moses basket until she was about 12 week’s old. Then we moved her into her own room, where she slept in her cot bed. I also moved into her room with her, as she was waking every hour, and it just made feeding a lot easier.
What is your one must-have item for your baby?
In the beginning we couldn’t live without our Ewan the Sheep. It would really help soothe our little one to sleep, and I would spend a lot of night putting it on repeat. Then we went on holiday to Center Parcs and forgot Ewan. This caused us to panic, but our little one was fine without him. Since then Ewan is now more of a cuddly toy than a sleep aid.
How many kids do you plan on having?
Date nights – how often do you have them?
Not often enough. We had to travel to Spain for our first date night last month, when our little one was 10 months old. We were on holiday with my parent’s and they gratefully looked after her, luckily she didn’t wake up. We managed to have two date night’s on that holiday.
Your child’s favourite TV show?
It has to be In The Night Garden. We watch it together everyday, and is the start of her bedtime routine. She loves hearing the music and seeing Iggle Piggle.
Name one thing you bought for your baby and never ended up using?
The Close Caboo sling. I just could not get to grips with it. Fabric slings seem so complicated to me. I felt that my little one was lost in it, and couldn’t breathe. It was a relief to use the Baby Bjorn which just felt so much more secure and sturdier.
Your child’s favourite food?
Spaghetti Bolognese and Ella’s Kitchen Strawberries and Apples.
How many cars does your family have?
One. A BMW 3 Series.
Weight gain, before pregnancy, during and now?
I think I gained a bit of weight during pregnancy from all the sweets and chocolate I ate, but apart from that not much at all. I was lucky and lost nearly all my baby weight fairly quickly, I think that breastfeeding definitely helped. And a stomach bug helped too 🙂
Dream holiday with your kids.
Ooh this is hard! Somewhere hot where I can sunbathe and relax, and somewhere with cultural activities that we can all enjoy. I would love to go to France, to enjoy walking, swimming, boating, and of course the food and wine.
How has life changed since having kids?
Definitely. I am no longer care free, I have to think about how every life decision affects my daughter. I think and worry about her 24/7. My time is not my own anymore. Even when she sleeps I’ve got one eye/ear on the baby monitor.
Finish the sentence “It makes my heart melt when…..”
She wakes up in the morning, and is eager to see me or Daddy. She always has a huge smile on her face.
Where do you shop for your kids?
Next, M&S, John Lewis, and Mothercare. I find the sizes here to be really good, much bigger than other places. Also the quality is really good too, surviving nursery and many washes.
Favourite make-up and skin care products?
I love all Origins skincare products, the Checks and Balances face wash is always on my Christmas List. Favourite make-up would be Bobbi Brown and Clinique.
Huggies or Pampers
Pampers for Nappies, and Huggies for Wipes. I never realised that size 4+ meant that the Nappies had extra absorbency, I thought they were just higher up the back.
Have you always wanted kids?
Yes, but I was never sure when was the right time. Then I thought, is there ever a right time? Work and career will always be there. The time to have children may not.
Best part of being a Mummy
Seeing my daughter grow up. It fascinates me how much she has changed in a year – from a newborn baby to now a fully fledged child (almost). I love how everyday she is doing something different, and mastering a new skill.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my Mummy Tag post, and I nominate L from Adventures with J and Sarah from Tammymum.
Claire x

A Mum Track Mind (@amumtrackmind)
Yay I love this tag (obviously as I tagged you haha!) I was the same with the Close Caboo. I was all set for a life of baby-wearing but it just didn’t feel right and both Sophie and I got soooo hot wearing it! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I’m not sure why fabric slings are so difficult to use, I remember the first time I used the Bjorn by myself, it felt like such an achievment 🙂 x
Sarah - Mum & Mor
So happy to see you’ve now done the Mummy Tag too. I heard a lot about Ewan the Dream Sheep on my baby birth board groups. Luckily I didn’t really need him, but I can see why he’s useful. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks Sarah, Ewan was great in the early days, I would recommend to all Mums 🙂 x
What a cool interview. I hope going back to work has been ok? I went back about 4 months ago and still mastering tricks to get us all ready in the morning and organised for the week. Lovely you made it to Spain for a date night!!! #fortheloveofblog X Sunita
The Pramshed
It’s a bit frantic sometimes in the morning especially if I have to wash and dry my hair. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Ah yes I’ve now realised I have to wash hair the night before! Otherwise it’s about emergency Baptiste hair spray and a ponytail! Hope the return to work is going ok
Spain for a date night! You may not have many but when you do you go all out. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Absolutely, it was worth the wait 🙂 x
Aww a lovely post! Hope the going back to work full-time is still going well – well done you for sticking to what you always wanted to do! You mention that you want two children … I look forward to that announcement! Make sure you still get some date nights in now that you are back from holiday – you need to find a wonderful babysitter for sure! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks Helen! You will have a while to wait yet 😉 Yes we will definitely try and get some dates in, we just need to find a baby sitter 🙂 x
So interesting to find out more about our fellow bloggers! I also work and find I need it to keep my brain active and A loves nursery so it’s a win-win really! #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
It’s so important to maintain a balance, I hope that in a few weeks we will have cracked it. Some days we nail it and some days we don’t. Also nursery is being liked more and more 😉 x
Emma Plus Three
We looked at getting a Ewan the sheep when Evie was a baby, but ended up with a seahorse instead which she still uses even now! x #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
What’s the seahorse? I’m going to Google it 🙂 x
Emma Plus Three
Fisher Price soothe and glow seahorse 🙂
From Day Dot
Love this Q&A idea as it’s a really easy way to get to know the people you’re linking up with every week. Also some good advice in there for a mum to be – Ewan the Sheep, Huggies and Pampers… Noted!! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Glad that I could share advice. I had no idea about the Pamper sizes until last week 🙂 x
I loved completing the mummy tag too. SO lovely to know more about you. Hope all is good with your work. I am sure you will find the perfect routine soon. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
It’s a lovely way to find out more about Mummy bloggers, I love reading other’s posts as I’m so nosy 🙂 x
Lovely to find out more about you Claire 🙂 what’s Ewan the sheep? If he helps with baby sleep I definitely want to know more about him! I hope being back at work is going better now xx #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks Wendy. Ewan the sheep is a sleep aid, it’s supposed to soothe babies playing soft music, white noise or womb noises. It also has a nice soft red glow too. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Ah this is lovely to get to know more about you Claire. We are rubbish at date nights too! I was the opposite to you though I didn’t like the Baby Bjorn at all as I thought he looked really uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do with his arms, but we loved our wrap. Funny! I hope you enjoy being back to work, I am sure you’ll settle into a routine soon enough. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks El! It’s interesting the comments on the sling as this is what most people have commented on. It’s very mixed opinions, depending on preference. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
This is a wonderful way to get to know you a little bit more. I hope you get more date nights soon x
The Pramshed
I hope so too! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
I too am amazed how much my two change in such short spaced of time! I hope you are enjoying being back at work.
The Pramshed
I am enjoying being back, it’s like I never left. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Great answers. I am definitely not carefree any longer … in fact, I worry about EVERYTHING. It does change you inordinately. I went back to work on Monday – hope you’re enjoying it (I am!!) #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Ah hope it is all going well for you back in work. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Ohh if your little one likes in the night garden I would definitely recommend going to see it live! We took our little girl about the same age and she thought it was fantastic! I actually welled up seeing her face light up at the sight of oopsy Daisy!! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
We were looking at this year, but decided it would be better next year once she understands a bit more 🙂 x
Oh it’s fantastic! A must see! X
Nursery Whines
I have those dreams about my baby being lost in the duvet too! It’s great to find out a bit more about people from tags like these. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I’m so glad I’m not the only one, they were really scary. I used to get them nearly every night, now only every now and again. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Date nights always important, at home, abroad, around the corner! thank you for such an honest interview! #fortheloveofBLOG Lou at http://www.peppermintcove.com
The Pramshed
Thank you, it was a shame it took 10 months. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Busy Working Mummy
Aw love Mummy tag and the interviews! We are rubbish at date nights too #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Getting a date night in is so hard, it involves so much planning 🙂 x
Emily Bresin
I bought a wrap baby carrier when I was pregnant and I thought I would use all the time when my daughter was small. We used it once and she hated it! I didn’t feel like it was secure and had such a hard time getting it on and off. I switched to the Baby Bjorn and we were both much happier! I wish we could still use it but my little one is just too heavy to wear anymore. Loved reading this interview. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Yes the Baby Bjorn is so much better we found, so much easier to use and secure. Also better for my husband to use too, he also couldn’t get on with the sling. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
I was given a wrap carrier, I passed it on in immaculate condition!! It was BabyBjorn all the way for me too! xx #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
The Bjorn is definitely the best, so easy to use and feels very secure. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Squirmy Popple
I think we both went back to work around the same time – we’re starting to settle into our nursery routine, but I’m finding it challenging to balance my work/mum/household responsibilities. The house is the first to go – it’s almost never tidy anymore! We tried Ewan the Dream Sheep but he didn’t have any effect on the Popple, but we had good luck with a white noise machine. I’m not sure we’ll ever stop using it! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ah I know exactly what you mean, trying to juggle everything is so difficult. The house is suffering, and I keep seeing things that need sorting and then getting frustrated. I also feel that my blog is suffering too. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Totally agree with you about the Caboo sling – I could just not get to grips with it. My daughter actually fell out of it which was the end of it for us. Luckily it has good resale value! #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Why are the fabric slings so difficult? We luckily had someone we could give ours too, after spending 6 months in our cupboard 🙂 x
Back With A Bump
I love these sorts of posts. It must be because I’m nosey! Always nice to hear more about bloggers! Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Thank you, I like answering the questions to reveal a little more about me 🙂 x
I’m nosey too. Things change so quickly and it’s a good idea to answer all these questions about how things are now…because in six months time things will be different again! That’s motherhood for you. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Absolutely, and my answers will be completely different in 6 months. Maybe I’ll revisit this post at the end of the year, and answer the questions again 🙂 x
I hope work is going better now you’re a bit more into the routine. I got a Close Caboo sling and liked it, but I found that it was really only useful when Piglet was small. Once he got past about 8 months (and he’s not a chunky one by any stretch, so for a lot of other babies it would be much sooner) it wasn’t much cop. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
It’s starting to get better Min, thank you. Thanks for reading and commenting :)x
It’s always so lovely reading these – learning about what makes you tick. It also takes me right back to when I had a little one. My eldest daughter is 17 tomorrow, so it makes me very nostalgic reading posts like this! Alison x #FortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Happy Birthday to your daughter. Glad you enjoyed reading, and thanks for commenting 🙂 x
Lydia C. Lee
One of mine liked In the Night Garden – that show is so weird (and a little creepy!!) yet no denying it’s popularity…I always thing the execs did a lot of drugs when they came up with that one! 😉 #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Yes same here! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
I love reading mummy tags! Great to get to know you! Same here with Ewan- we really appreciated him in the first few months but now he isn’t essential for sending her to sleep! I also agree with the baby slings! I had visions of having these beautifully wrapped slings but in the end I found buckles are so much easier for me! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thank you. Ewan is now more of a cuddly toy for us. A lot of comments on this post have been about the sling so far, very mixed opinions 🙂 x
Something About Baby
Love reading posts like this. It’s a shame you didn’t get on with the Caboo, I loved mine and felt so secure wearing Alfie – but I know every sling is different for every person! Love that your first date night was in Spain as well #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Yeah I just couldn’t get on with it, I always felt that the baby was going to fall out 🙂 x
Lovely to read more about you. Took me back reading about In the Night Garden, this used to be part of our night time routine. Now it’s Paw Patrol. I work full time too, life’s busy isn’t it! I’m sure if you’re doing ok now then it will remain that way. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ah we watched Paw Patrol today. Life is really busy now, and I hope it becomes manageable once we settle into a pattern 🙂 x
Happy Mummy
I never used my sling either! Luckily I still had the box so I returned it in time 🙂
Hope works going ok X
The Pramshed
Good work, we didn’t get round to returning it. So I gave it to my sister-in-law who has recently just had a baby 🙂 x
Love reading the mummy tag posts and finding out more about the mummy bloggers who’s posts I read – I had a special twins’ sling which was also a total waste of money. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thank you lovely, I’m intrigued by a twin sling x
Oh this is lovely it’s inspires me to finish mine I started ages ago! The babies really do change your life eh, for the better of course but it’s not without hurdles. Hopd you find your working routine soon xx #fortheloveogblog
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely I look forward to reading your Mummy Tag, I hope that in a few week’s time we will be in a good routine 🙂 x
Ahh Ewan! that sheep was a bloody miracle haha! we would panic too if we thought we’d forgotten him – hehe #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
It was terrible I thought we wouldn’t get through the night, but we did 🙂 x
Suburban Mum
Ahhh I really enjoyed doing this tag and reading others too. We don’t have enough date nights either but we are going on one this weekend which I am most excited about! #ForTheLoveOfBlog
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely, date nights are so important but so few and far between. I hope you have a great weekend Maria x
Aww I love these tags to get to know you better…I was the same with co-sleeping and couldn’t relax when Emma was in the bed. Now she’s super wriggly so there’s definitely no way we could do it. I also love the first thing in the morning smile, nothing beats it. Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks Bridie! I could never sleep with her in my bed, it totally freaks me out 🙂 x
Ah I really want to do the Mummy Tag! I love these and your answers are great. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely! I love completing things like this 🙂 x
Nadia - ScandiMummy
Love reading these and learning more. I’m so impressed that you are currently working full time and running the blog and your house and looking after your family. #fortheloveofblog
Nadia – ScandiMummy x
The Pramshed
Thanks Nadia! I don’t really know how I’m doing it – I think I’m going to crash and burn soon 🙂 x
Silly Mummy
So interesting to learn more about people. I always struggled with baby sling things too! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely! I’ve got another to complete soon. Yes the baby slings are so difficult, I think it’s a very love/hate relationship with them x