Rocking Around The Christmas Tree – The Christmas Tag
Christmas is nearly here, and I can’t wait to start celebrating next weekend. To get myself in the mood I’ve been tagged by Laura at Dear Bear and Beany to take part in the Christmas Tag. Read on to find out what I love about Christmas.
What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
This is a random one but it has to be National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. If you’ve not seen it, you need to watch it. The first time I saw it I was crying with laughter, especially when they go sledging down the hill on the bin lids. It’s definitely one of those feel good movies that gets you in the mood for Christmas.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I think the short answer to that question is No. I can’t remember the last time we had a white Christmas, perhaps many years ago when I was child. My Mum will be able to answer that question.
Where do you usually spend your holiday?
We split the break between my parent’s house in Cambridge and my husband’s parent’s house in Cheshire, and alternate each year who we have Christmas with…..it’s only fair that way. This year we are spending Christmas Day at my parent’s house and the travelling up to Cheshire on Boxing Day. We’ll then come back to London for New Year and generally have a quiet one at home, there’s no going out for us now that we have a toddler to look after.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
The Pogues, Fairytale of New York. I love it and it always gets me in the Christmas mood.
Do you open any presents on Christmas eve?
No that would be cheating. We wait until Christmas Day before any present opening can begin. Although I’m sure that when I was a child I might have waited until the second after midnight to open my stocking.
Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Without cheating from Laura’s post, here goes……Dasher, Dancer, Blixen, Rudolph, Prancer. That’s it, I’m sure there are more?
What holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year?
Now that our daughter is at an age where she is starting to understand what Christmas is, and knows what a present is, I’m determined to try and create some traditions and memories around the day. I’m looking forward to giving her a Christmas stocking, and trying to get her to understand the meaning of giving presents. As well as this showing her the true spirit of Christmas by enjoying time with her family. I recently wrote a post on what I would love to see on Christmas morning, and I hope that she shares in the magic too!
Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake. It’s so much easier than a real tree, it doesn’t drop its needles and is a lot cheaper too!
What’s your favourite holiday food/treat/sweet?
It has to be Pigs in Blankets, Brie and Cranberry parcels and a huge cheese board. You can’t go wrong with a lot of cheese in the house at Christmas time.
Be honest. Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts?
Hmmmm. Tough one. I think receiving them. However buying gifts is lovely and I love seeing the smiles on a loved ones face when you have bought them something that they really want.
What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
It would have to be my Alexander Monroe Bee Necklace from my husband. I love it and it goes with many of my clothes.
What’s your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I wouldn’t want to travel abroad at Christmas, I think that would be a little weird. Plus we usually have so much stuff there is no way it would fit into a 20kg luggage allowance. I think, getting your first Log Delivery and going to stay somewhere super cosy with log fires and a hot tub would be wonderful.
Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
I would say that I’m a pro present wrapper, and I’m quite good at it. I enjoy doing it, but struggle to find the time with the little one. A couple of years I would wrap each present with ribbon and a bow too, those days are long gone now.
What’s your most memorable Christmas memory?
It would have to be Christmas in Wales at my grandparents house with all the family around. I remember sharing a room with my Brother and Sister, and all of us being so excited about Christmas. We would open our Christmas stockings at about 3am and pretend we hadn’t opened them. Then loads of us would pack around a cramped dining room table for a full on feast!
What made you realise the truth about Christmas?
I can’t actually remember. It was probably someone telling me at school. I think I found out when I was about eight or nine.
What makes the holidays special for you?
Having time with the family without the worries about work or other stuff. It’s probably the one time of year I look forward to the most as it’s a week off (although I will probably still be working on the blog). It will also be lovely to see my husband during the day rather than just in the morning and evening during the week.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I would love to hear how you celebrate Christmas.
Claire x

One Comment
Kate Holmes
Totally agree on the best Christmas song! Envious you get Christmas in Cambridge as I was at Uni there and love it so very much! I have never seen the Christmas movie so should put that right by the sounds of things. I am a huge cheese fan too. You drew a lovely picture of your Christmas memory in Wales. Thanks for the tag!