Hello Winter School Term…where did you spring from?
It only feels like yesterday that myself and Freya were getting ready for her first day in school back in September. Well fast forward six weeks and our first half-term, I am now sitting here writing this on the eve of her returning to school tomorrow.
Let me tell you this it has gone so quickly. SO QUICKLY! I had been meaning to write a blog post about Freya starting school when she actually started, but life and everything else got in the way, as it usually does. But in September we all started a new chapter in our lives, the school chapter, or the starting reception year chapter, and it took me by surprise in more ways that one.
After the six week holiday where I had both children at home with me, I was well and truly ready for her to be starting school. There was no tearful drop off that everybody said there would be, I partially blame social media for this, putting an expectation on Mum’s to be crying at the school gates. We were fine, but if you did shed a tear at the gates or when you got home or when you got into work, that is absolutely fine too.
But what took me by surprise was the lack of information being communicated back to us about my daughters day, that I had been used to. When I say lack of communication, it wasn’t the schools fault, they communicate with us weekly or at drop off/pick up if they need to. It was just me wanting to know more. I wanted to know how her day was, what she was doing, what was she eating, was she eating, and who was she playing it.
Instead it was like some sort of secret squirrel club where I had to delve into my What’s App, messaging other parents, and piecing together the day from different messages from different parents. Still to this day I’m not much the wiser. I’m often met with “Mum, I don’t want to talk about it” (and yes she calls me Mum sometimes, where did Mummy go?) or “It’s a secret!”
It is far from the nursery days where I received updates on an app, and I was told everyday by the staff that she had, had a good day. However seven weeks down the line, I’m ok with this. She is ok, she is getting on well, apart from a slight issue with listening, but we are working on that. Her teachers are happy with her progress, and I am amazed at how much she has learned in such a small space of time. I’m pretty sure that she’ll know more than me soon.
So I’m excited about her going back to school, the half-term week has been fun, but my god it has been hard juggling work and childcare. It’s my first real foray into running the juggle and it has made me realise that I definitely need some support during the longer holidays. The week has just about been manageable with late nights but I’m not sure I could keep this up over the summer. Anyway this isn’t about me.
The past seven weeks have been fun. I’ve seen a different side to my daughter, one that is more confident and far more social. She is great at making friends, and I know that she will enjoy this term during the run up to Christmas, and I can’t wait to see her in the nativity play and performing in the band that she is part of…it may be terrible, but she is enjoying it.
For everyone with children going back to school today enjoy the peace and quiet, and for anyone just starting the half-term week, good luck!
Claire x