
I’m going to BML16

I had only been blogging for 3 months when I first saw my fellow bloggers talking about BritMums Live and BML 2016 on Twitter. I did a little research and saw that this was a huge blogging conference in London that is attended by lots of bloggers and brands. In my eyes, as a newbie blogger myself, these blogger’s seemed famous to me. I then got chatting on Twitter to Hannah from The Diary of an Ordinary Mum and Kirsty from Something Crunchy Mummy about booking tickets, and I just did it, booked my ticket. I felt like I was taking a giant leap into the blogging world, a nerve-wracking, but exciting leap!

So I am going to BML 2016 on the 25th June at The Brewery in London!

Here’s a little bit about me….

My name: Claire @ The Pramshed

My blog: I can be found here

Find me on social media at: At the moment I’m on Twitter, you can find me tweeting @thepramshed. I really need to get Facebook and Instagram set up for my blog.

How I look:  I think I look pretty normal, with longish blonde hair, blue eyes and I’m fairly tall. Hopefully I’ll have a nice tan as we are in Spain a couple of week’s before the event.

Is this my first blogging event? Yes, this is my first blogging event. I’m feeling a whole mixture of things about it – excited, nervous, etc.

I will be wearing… Not entirely sure yet, but probably a dress (if it’s nice weather), or skinny jeans and a top, or a skirt and top. I will definitely be wearing flat shoes, I’ve not worn heels for nearly 2 years now, and I know I’ll be on my feet all day and I cannot bear the pain of wearing heels for too long.

What I hope to gain from #BML16: I hope to learn A LOT. In terms of my blog I would love to learn how I can improve my blog, possibly to monetise it and how to improve my SEO. I’ve recently gone self-hosted, so hopefully I can pick up loads of tips.

I’m really excited to meet in person Fi from A Mum Track Mind my co-host at #fortheloveofBLOG, the Tribal gang at #tribalchat, Franca from A Moment with Franca as I love her #KCACOLS linky and was lucky enough to guest co-host with her a few week’s ago, Becky from Cuddlefairy as I love her blog and #BloggerClubUK, plus so many other brilliant blogger’s out there. I’m also looking forward to meeting brands, enjoying some nice food, and having some wine!

My tips for a great conference: I’ve not been to a blogging conference before, but I keep saying to myself that I need to be myself, enjoy the day and meet lots of new Bloggers/friends.

Are you going to BML2016, I would love to hear from you.

Claire x



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