I’m going to BML16
I had only been blogging for 3 months when I first saw my fellow bloggers talking about BritMums Live and BML 2016 on Twitter. I did a little research and saw that this was a huge blogging conference in London that is attended by lots of bloggers and brands. In my eyes, as a newbie blogger myself, these blogger’s seemed famous to me. I then got chatting on Twitter to Hannah from The Diary of an Ordinary Mum and Kirsty from Something Crunchy Mummy about booking tickets, and I just did it, booked my ticket. I felt like I was taking a giant leap into the blogging world, a nerve-wracking, but exciting leap!
So I am going to BML 2016 on the 25th June at The Brewery in London!
Here’s a little bit about me….
My name: Claire @ The Pramshed
My blog: I can be found here www.thepramshed.co.uk
Find me on social media at: At the moment I’m on Twitter, you can find me tweeting @thepramshed. I really need to get Facebook and Instagram set up for my blog.
How I look: I think I look pretty normal, with longish blonde hair, blue eyes and I’m fairly tall. Hopefully I’ll have a nice tan as we are in Spain a couple of week’s before the event.
Is this my first blogging event? Yes, this is my first blogging event. I’m feeling a whole mixture of things about it – excited, nervous, etc.
I will be wearing… Not entirely sure yet, but probably a dress (if it’s nice weather), or skinny jeans and a top, or a skirt and top. I will definitely be wearing flat shoes, I’ve not worn heels for nearly 2 years now, and I know I’ll be on my feet all day and I cannot bear the pain of wearing heels for too long.
What I hope to gain from #BML16: I hope to learn A LOT. In terms of my blog I would love to learn how I can improve my blog, possibly to monetise it and how to improve my SEO. I’ve recently gone self-hosted, so hopefully I can pick up loads of tips.
I’m really excited to meet in person Fi from A Mum Track Mind my co-host at #fortheloveofBLOG, the Tribal gang at #tribalchat, Franca from A Moment with Franca as I love her #KCACOLS linky and was lucky enough to guest co-host with her a few week’s ago, Becky from Cuddlefairy as I love her blog and #BloggerClubUK, plus so many other brilliant blogger’s out there. I’m also looking forward to meeting brands, enjoying some nice food, and having some wine!
My tips for a great conference: I’ve not been to a blogging conference before, but I keep saying to myself that I need to be myself, enjoy the day and meet lots of new Bloggers/friends.
Are you going to BML2016, I would love to hear from you.
Claire x

Becky, Cuddle Fairy
Yay can’t wait to meet you too! Thank you for the lovely mention
Hannah G, The 'Ordinary' Mum
Can’t believe were only a few weeks away now! Feels like ages ago that we were all chatting about going, so glad you and Kirsty talked me into getting a ticket. Looking forward to meeting you! xx
The Pramshed
You to, not long to go now x
Laura @ Little Ladies Big World
I too am a newbie and decided to take the leap and book my ticket – now I’m starting to get really nervous! Lovely to see I won’t be the only first timer xx
The Pramshed
Don’t be nervous lovely! I think that they’ll be lots of first timers there, hope we get to say “hello” x
Bridie By The Sea
I’m nervously excited about it too! Will be lovely to meet some of the tribal gang in person and I’m sure we’ll have a blast 🙂 xx #triballove
The Pramshed
Looking forward to meeting you lovely 🙂 x
Ohhh I so want to go and meet you ladies!!! I am very sad not to be there but I can’t wait to hear how it goes and just how much bubbly you crazy chicks drink when you get together xx #triballove
The Pramshed
You will be there in spirit 🙂 x
Dropping by again from #fortheloveofBLOG
Ugh, I’m so jealous of everyone going to BritMums! I hope you have loads of fun, I hope to see lots of pictures with wine glass in hand !
Lu xx
The Pramshed
We will take lots of pics lovely 🙂 x
Yay! Can’t wait to meet you Claire – glad you just went for it and booked xx #triballove
The Pramshed
Looking forward to meeting you to Lucy 🙂 x
All of your alls talk about this conference is making me want to find one near me in the US. Its sounds like loads of fun. I hope you enjoy meeting everyone from the tribe and lots of new people. Ill be thinking of you all #TribalLove
The Pramshed
Thank you, do they have any blogging conferences in the US? 🙂
Rebecca | AAUBlog
I’m going to BML too – would love to meet you! I’ve only ever been to one conference before and it was a lot of fun xx
The Pramshed
Definitely! Would love to meet up to 🙂 x
Seaside Belle
I am seriously tempted! Should I just book a ticket and then inform the husband he’s in charge for the weekend?
The Pramshed
Yes definitely – got for it xx
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)
Being yourself and enjoying the day is the best way to get the most out of #BML16. Looking forward to meeting you there 🙂 #triballove
Nursery Whines
Hope you have a great time and it lives up to all your expectations. #fortheloveofBLOG
Am very interested in how it goes and what it’s like so hopefully you’ll do a review blog post too. Sounds exciting! Have fun and also enjoy your holiday. X ps the new website looks great btw. #fortheloveofBLOG
Have a fab time lovely. I’m just not feeling brave enough yet to do a conference, maybe next year when I’m not pregnant and can drink to calm my nerves haha. Look forward to reading all about it xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Baby Anon
Very nice to know more about you (Spain will be lovely!) I hope you have a fab time at the conference. Mother goes to conferences but they are usually much duller than this sounds like 😉 x #forrtheloveofBLOG
I wish I was going to BML I wasn’t brave enough last year and this year I wasn’t organised enough! Have fun! #fortheloveofBLOG
Oh I am jealous I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this year *sniff sniff. Have a lovely time though, and congrats on going self hosted! Xxx #forthrloveofBLOG
Sounds great , I hope you have a great time. I’m in Ireland and have just started blogging but hope to make my way to an event somewhere sometime !
laughing mum
Ive been reading loads about this… was thinking of going, but think maybe I’m a bit too new if you know what I mean?! (only 1 month in) have fun and who knows, maybe I’ll see you there 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Oh no you’re not too new lovely, you’ll learn so much from it so it would be a good experience x
Hope you have a great time at BML, looking forward to reading all about it!
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely, watch this space for a blog post 🙂 x
Have a great time, i’m not brave enough to go along to a big conference just yet, but look forward to hearing all about it. Hopefully I’ll be there next year! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks, I’ll be writing a blog post about it – so watch this space x
The Adventures of Beta Mummy
Yay – hope to meet up with you there, can’t wait. I’ve linked my BML16 intro post too 🙂
The Pramshed
Looking forward to meeting you xx
Hello! I’m coming to BML16 too – really excited about meeting so many lovely people (including you, of course!) that I’ve been chatting to online for the last few months. Pretty sure it’s going to be a LOT of fun! #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Ooh can’t wait to meet you lovely! It will be so much fun xx
Yay! Can’t wait. xx
Have a lovely time! I feel somewhat intimidated by blogger conferences. I didn’t even know they were a thing! #fortheloveofBLOG X
The Pramshed
Thank you, I’m feeling a bit like that, but I am excited all at the same time x
Lisa Robb (@workingmumy)
Ive heard about it a couple of years now and it sounds great!!
Im sure you will love it and make / meet lots of new friends and people 🙂
The Pramshed
Thank you! I hope that it is a fab experience x
Nadia - ScandiMummy
Can’t wait to meet you there. I’m sure it will be a great event. I learned so much last year! #fortheloveofBLOG
Nadia – ScandiMummy x
The Pramshed
That’s great to hear Nadia! Looking forward to meeting you 🙂 x
Mess and merlot
Aww enjoy, I can’t make it but look forward to hearing all the goss! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks lovely, watch this space I’ll be writing a blog post on it 🙂 x
Ali Duke
I have been blogging for a little while now, but I have SO much to learn. I know I could make so much of it and I have a work to do, but it will be worth it.
I would love to go to a blogging conference, this one is on my son’s 18th birthday so cannot make it, but I am hoping to go to one soon.
The Pramshed
Ah that’s a shame, I hope I learn a lot from it – I will definitely be writing a blog post about my experience and learning. Watch this space 🙂 x
Oh Claire I can’t wait to meet you too – I’m excited and nervous too – all mixed into one – am sure it will be all just wonderful once we get through the doors and say the first hello to someone – i’ll come find you for sure! #fortheloveofBLOG
Hey Claire, love your blog and your little logo. I’ll be a fresher at #BML16 too plus I don’t know any other bloggers yet, so I’m being bold, saying hi and reaching out! I’m sure it’s going to be a pretty inspiring day. Even though I don’t know anybody (yet), I’m excited about seeing so many talented people all in one place. I’m also heading to the Friday night drinks if you’ll be there. Right, now off to check out #fortheloveofblog linky…:) Any feedback on my new blog is very welcome (you can be honest….)
Laughing Mum – hope you’ve now booked yourself a ticket!
x Sunita
Have fun! I really want to go but we just have so much on this year with weekends away, just cant fit everything in! #fortheloveofblog
I’m not coming but I can see how excited everyone is and hope you all have a fabulous time! Hoping some tribesters live tweet /instagram so I can see what I’m missing out on! #fortheloveofBLOG
Kate Orson
Have a wonderful time! I live in Switzerland, so unfortunately it’s a bit far to go this year, as we’re coming back to the UK for a holiday in July instead. I’m please to hear I’m not the only one who doesn’t wear heels. I sometimes feel pressure to ‘dress up’ when I just like my feet to be comfortable!! #fortheloveofBLOG
Becky (And Then There Were Two)
Aw I’m not going but will definitely be thinking about it for next year! Will be interested to see how it goes and what you get up to! 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
Jane Taylor
Hi Claire! I’m going! As you know, I’m a newbie blogger too and you express so many of the sentiments I have about blogging and going to the BMLs. I got a last minute (1145pm the night before) ticket to blog camp the other week and the lovely Lucy Wray from lishconcepts saw the Facebook ticket offer and offered to pick me up at 7am and take me! We had ever met in real life, only chatted on fb. I feel nervous but excited to see some of my blogging Heroes and hopefully see them win an award. If blogcamp is anything to go by, your brain will be filled to bursting with what u learn and you will have a massive to do list but it will be awesome! I hope to meet you there! You are doing a fantastic job so far!!! Can’t believe you are such a new blogger! Lovely logo and website! Jane xx
Jane taylor
Oops #fortheloveofblog
Jaylan - Diapers At Dawn
Sounds amazing and good on you for booking your ticket! As well as getting to know more about blogging I guess the best part will be to meet the amazing people we interact with on a daily basis in real life! I hope you have fun can’t wait to read a post on how it all went. x #fortheloveofBLOG
Double the Monkey Business
Have a really brilliant time!!! I plan to attend when we move back in the UK in a few years! Would be good to meet all these people that I talk to all the time 🙂 xxx #fortheloveofBLOG
I’m considering going but will probably aim for next year once I have a bit more time to establish my blog. I’m a new to blogging too and feel a bit intimidated by all the lingo ATM!! xx #fortheloveofblog
Petite Pudding (@petite_pudding)
Everytime I read one of these posts I get more and more envious! I wish I was coming to meet the tribe! I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing all your blogger tips when you return 🙂 Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG
Phil Refuelled
Hope to see you there. Last year was a blast! Us blokes are outnumbered approx 100:1 but everyone is helpful and kind. Don’t be nervous – you’ll be fine!
The Pramshed
Thanks Phil!
Mrs Lighty
I wish I’d thought about this earlier and booked tickets!! Next year… #fortheloveofBLOG xxx
The Pramshed
I think that there are still tickets available?
Got here via the ‘I’m going to #BML16’ linky. May see you there. I also look pretty normal, but I’ll stick out being one of about 10 men in attendance!
The Pramshed
Cool, looking forward to meeting you 🙂
I can’t believe you made such a brave decision after such a short time blogging! I’m 3 months in now and it would seem so daunting for me to go to a conference full of strangers and experts! I can’t believe how much you’ve learned in such a short time either, or how much you’ve achieved! I’m totally wowed! Well done and have an awesome time/ #fortheloveofBLOG
Carol Cameleon
Exciting and good for you for just booking! I don’t think I’ll be going because of hubby’s shifts and childcare… Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofblog
Fern P - My Kiwi Family
This sounds so exciting, and I really wish something like this was happening here in NZ! Actually, I should probably jump on google and check whether or not bloggers do get together here…
Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful time (but of course you will).
Loved your description of yourself, it’s very nice to feel like one looks normal, haha.
Such a lovely post Claire! It will be great and I’m sure you will have a great time with the ladies as well as getting lots of tips for your blog. #fortheloveofBLOG
Have a great time at BML and hope you enjoy meeting all your online buddies.
x Alice
Mamma Bear
Sounds so exciting! It will be so much fun to meet people in person, people you’ve only known online. Good luck. Can’t wait to read about it! <3
Mamma Bear
Forgot to add #fortheloveofBLOG 😛
Tracey @ One Frazzled Mum
I am so gutted I’m not going. Of all the years I have been blogging (half heartedly until this year) this is the year I really want to go. There are so many bloggers I want to meet, you included and I think a nother year is far too long! #fortheloveofBLOG
Silly Mummy
Bet it’ll be a great time! I’m not going – I would like to meet people & learn stuff, but going into crowded situations by myself makes me really nervous, & I struggle to talk to people. Also, I felt it was a bit more expensive than I could justify & have never spent a night away from my kids. Have fun! #fortheloveofBLOG