#BML16 – Hopes and Dreams (and Fears)
This Saturday (25th June) I’ll be heading off to my first blogger conference #BML16 or Britmums Live, held at The Brewery in Central London. This will be my first ever conference I’ve been too, so I’m really excited and nervous all at the same time. I booked my ticket for this conference back in January when I had only just started blogging, and I thought that June was so far away, but now it is actually here and it is all happening on Saturday!
In the run up to the conference I started to think about what I wanted to get from it, what talks I would go to, and what bloggers and brands I wanted to meet. The lovely people at #BML16 have been sending everyone daily emails whipping us up into a frenzy with information on the brands and sponsors who will be there, as well as enticing us about food and wine! It all sounds amazing, as well as making me feel slightly overwhelmed.
So to help me most the best of the day, and to give me some objectives here’s my hopes and dreams for The Pramshed at #BML16:
- To meet my lovely co-host Fi from A Mum Track Mind. We have been running the linky #fortheloveofBLOG for 7 weeks now and are both attending #BML16, I’m really looking forward to meeting Fi, having a natter and getting a snapshot of us both to feature on our linky homepage.
- Meeting up with the ladies from #tribalchat this includes Katie from Mummy in a Tutu, Lucy from Occupation (M) Other, Beth from Beta Mummy, Claudia from Dr Mummykins, Hannah from Diary of an Ordinary Mum, Emma from Island Living, Bridie from Bridie by The Sea, Ky from Clem Rocks, Helen from Just Saying Mum, Sarah from The Mumzilla, Meg from The Mum Project, Fran from Whinge Whinge Wine, Michelle from Plan The Happy, Sassy from Thinking Out Loud, Louise from Little Hearts, Big Love, Min from Single Mum Speak, and Kelly from Bringing Up Georgia. The list is fairly long and I hope I haven’t missed anyone out from this list, please let me know if I have. We have been What’s Apping for weeks – the week that I was on holiday there was over 1,000 messages received in this group! (no joke).
- Feeling confident and smiling throughout the day.
- Learning how I can get the most from my blog, I would love to go to the Pinterest and SEO sessions, I feel that these would hugely benefit my blog and also provide something tangible that I can apply to my job as a Project Manager in an advertising agency. I would also like to go to the session on making money from my blog, and seeing what I can learn from this and how I can apply it, and working out if it is something I would like to do.
- Chatting to the brands and leaving my business cards, especially with Munchkin, MAM, Affilinet, Blue Iron, Fellowes, Boots Soltan, Johnsons and DC Thomson – all that I could see working with my blog. As well as chatting to all the other fabulous brands, and seeing the model Harry at the Bollox stand with a glass of bubbles at midday.
- Enjoying the excellent food and wine on offer, hopefully outside in the sunshine.
- Meeting some amazing bloggers who host brilliant linky’s that I have regularly been taking part in, this includes the lovely Franca from A Moment With Franca who I helped guest co-host #KCACOLS with a couple of month’s ago, and Maria from Suburban Mum. Meeting Becky from Cuddle Fairy, and Louise from Pink Peak Bear.
- Lastly getting to see Tim from Slouching Towards Thatcham doing one of his fabulous musical parodies!
- That I make some excellent friends from the day, lots of us have already been chatting for a while on What’s App and Twitter, and I can’t wait to meet them in person.
- Being a relatively newbie blogger, I would love to gain some sort of sponsorship or collaboration with a brand, or receive products to review.
- That I find a lot of inspiration for blogging, including ideas on ways to improve my blog and gain success.
- Leaving with a big smile on my face (and not just a smile from the free wine!)
I don’t really have any fears, other than I hope the day lives up to my expectations, that I’m not starstruck when I see bloggers I consider famous, and that I’m not hiding somewhere in a corner checking Twitter!
I hope you enjoyed reading my post, and are looking forward to finding out how I got on at #BML16.
Claire x

Fran @ Whinge Whinge Wine
Bring on the wine, I say!
The Mum Project
Lovely post Claire! Looking forward to meeting you too! I’m hoping to learn about SEO and Pinterest as well, can’t wait see you soon. xx
Have a great time – hope you get heaps out of it. Looking forward to seeing the photo of you and Fi. X
Lovely post Claire, I can’t wait to meet you too! I’ve been feeling a bit apprehensive about it too but really looking forward to learning a bit about SEO, Instagram and Pinterest. See you soon! xx
The Adventures of Beta Mummy
Looking forward to meeting you too! I think it’s gonna be a bit of a mad day…! 🙂 x
Yeeeaaah can’t wait to meet you too! I’m looking forward to Instagram, brands and wine. #triballove
Can’t wait! I need to revisit the agenda and make some proper lists of things to achieve and do…see you Saturday!
Wish I was coming. Sigh. Too far for childcare
Yay! I can’t wait. Need to look at the sessions and decide which ones I like the look of. x
A mum track mind
Can’t wait to meet you too! I want in on that tribalchat action – sounds like fun!! x