The blogging clique or blogging friends
The blogging clique. What is a blogging clique? I know that I don’t like the phrase. I much prefer “blogging tribe” or “blogging family” or “blogging friends” whatever way you choose to look at it there will always be groups of bloggers. When I think of blogger cliques I think of groups of bloggers who are part of a closed-off circle, who keep themselves to themselves and are unwelcoming to any outsider.
In reality the parent blogging world is far from that. Since setting up my blog in January I have joined some fantastic groups where I have found nothing but support and kindness, including #tribalchat #KCACOLS as well as my #fortheloveofBLOG community, and I have also dipped my toe into waters of the UK Parent Bloggers Facebook page.
All blogger group members I have found to be so supportive, and I love being able to discuss blogging topics, brainstorm ideas, discuss the latest Moz and Tots update, how to go self-hosted or change my blog theme. Without having this support and drive from the group I honestly don’t think I would have kept blogging. These groups have kept me motivated when I’ve lost my blogging mojo, have sent me blog tags to complete if I’m struggling ideas and generally been a friendly place to have a chat.
So I definitely don’t see myself as being part of a “blogging clique” and instead being part of a “blogging circle of friends”. Just like in our everyday lives we have our own friendship groups. These can be friends at work, friends from school, and NCT groups, all of which could be viewed by an outsider as a bit “cliquey” but in reality are just a group of friends. This can also be applied to blogging. From an outsiders point of view a group of bloggers could be seen as “cliquey” which I think becomes so much more apparent at blogging events. Where often blogger friends have not seen each for a long time, or have just met for the first time after months of chatting online, and want to use this opportunity to catch up.
I was trying to think earlier how these groups naturally form. There’s the obvious groups that are related to Linky’s and therefore part of a community. Then there’s blogging support groups such as #tribalchat set up by Katie at Mummy in a Tutu. Katie set up her group shortly after I started blogging, and it felt like a natural part of my blogging journey to become part of this group. It is only natural that we gravitate towards people in similar situations having started blogs at the same time, or those whose blogs your enjoy reading.
If you’re not part of any blogging tribes, don’t worry. It’s not a requirement to be in a blogging tribe to be a blogger, or want to be a successful blogger. However if you want to get involved just get chatting online, join up to Linky’s, be friendly and be kind. We are all a friendly bunch, and here to help. I’ve never come across a blogger who has been unfriendly towards me or disregarded any of my questions.
So that’s why I say that the “blogging clique” does not exist, instead there are many different “blogging tribes” or “blogging friends”.
I asked the UK Parent Blogger group what they thought of a “blogging clique” I was a little overwhelmed by the response. It’s clear that there are different perceptions of the “blogging clique” and when it comes down to it, we are a group of blogging friends or blogging tribe.
Whinge Whinge Wine – I think finding a group of mutually supportive bloggers is fantastic! Obviously it can seem daunting and really hard when you’re starting out to find your ‘tribe’ but we all start in the same place; you just have to keep plugging away, join twitter chats, comment on people’s blogs (and not just for linkies!) and be friendly and banter on twitter and you’ll find kindred spirits! I didn’t know anyone in the blogging world when I started and now, not even a year on, I have met people I’d call true friends who understand the shit that comes with blogging. Hearing my ladies cheer me on at Blogfest was amazing. I completely value the friends I’ve made via blogging more than anything and I wouldn’t still be doing it without their support. I think clique is a negative word for what is a beautiful thing!
Castaway with dreams – I can’t say I’ve ever been aware of any blogging cliques, and I’ve been blogging and participating in bloggy stuff for ages! Maybe I’m just oblivious as I tend to just dive in and start/join conversations and engage regardless. I’ve always found people to be nothing but friendly. Just join in! No-one minds.
Truly Madly Kids – I find the blogging community very friendly, and I’ve never had a negative experience with feeling ‘left out’ or otherwise. I am aware there are commenting circles, and hashtags to encourage extra commenting and liking on various platforms, but I do kinda think that this is all part of it.
Everyones Buck Stops Here – I’m a newbie! Been live 2 weeks. I’m trying to get my head around all it I feel like the new kid at a school trying to fit in but thats not due to any noticed cliques but just the general blogging world!!!
Katy Kicker – I’ve been on the receiving end of a negative blogging clique. They were positive towards me initially, until I defended someone they were bad mouthing. Then they turned on me too. Fortunately I’ve got a great supportive group of people on Instagram and Facebook. We help one another succeed and I can share my successes with them.
Sparkly Mummy – I hate the word cliques I think it’s because it has a very negative connotation for me (school cliques mum cliques) but I have found on the whole other bloggers to be very warm, welcoming and helpful I do feel I’ve found my ‘tribe’ but it doesn’t stop me from mixing with, talking too, other blogger or I hope, supporting others bloggers. I know everyone’s experience is different but I definitely feel a great sense of community which I wasn’t expecting to find.
Arthur Wears – I think sometimes with social media it can be hard to convey feelings and emotions in the way they are intended – and what can seem like a ‘clique’ to an outsider looking in May just be a really supportive, established group of bloggers helping each other out, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they wouldn’t be welcoming to others. It can be hard as a newbie trying to find your tribe, but the best thing to do is treat others how you want to be treated – comment, share, chat, support and the good karma will eventually ensue!
Tippy Tupps – I’m old to blogging but new to trying to write for more than just a diary and I have to say the ‘inner circle’ seems hard to crack but I don’t think that’s from cliquiness (which I agree can have negative connotations) but more from that history and connection of sharing a journey. A relative newbie like me can’t – and shouldn’t expect to – just walk in and join a pre-existing gaggle of bloggers like that. You needs to find your own tribe and build your own relationships: that takes time and effort. I have to say the community as I’ve found it so far has been nothing but positive and helpful.
Wave to Mummy – I think it’s normal to make friends through blogging and that starts to extend on commenting and sharing each others posts. That’s normal and what friends do isn’t it! That said, for an outsider it can get a bit weary if someone you follow constantlypromotes the same people again and again. I might follow all these people on social media and if I get inundated with the same “clique” posts constantly it does get tiresome. Or I might follow one of them but not the others, and then it gets a bit annoying having someone’s content being shuffed down my social media throat so to speak if I am not actually interested enough in following them myself to begin with.
Mouse Moo Me Too – Exactly as Fran at Whinge Whine Wine said – we all start in the same place and I wouldn’t be enjoying blogging half as much if I hadn’t found my little supportive clique groups. There’s being cliquey and these being excluding though, the latter is obviously horrible.
A Life Just Ordinary – I think it’s only natural that people will chat to some people more than others and prefer a particular style of writing over another. I generally prefer funny stuff to read so have naturally drifted towards those bloggers that write funny stuff. I haven’t found anyone that hasn’t been friendly and welcoming so far and I think it’s nice to have a group of blogging friends you can chat to and run things past.
Five little doves – I hate the word clique too, to me it has negative connotations. I do however have an amazing blogging tribe who have my back in the same way that I have theirs. We support each other with not only blogging, but life in general and I am hugely grateful to have that circle of support.
Babies and Beauty – I love having a close group of blogging friends who I know are there to offer advice and support when I need it and vice versa. Especially as a mum, it’s always handy to have likeminded Mums who can sympathise with whatever your going through. Sometimes I wonder what I would have done without some of my fellow blogging ladies.
Mothers Little Steps – I have an honest question though: Is it really important to belong to a clique or a tribe? I’ve also been blogging for a bit now, but new(ish) to joining in FB groups and the like. While I’ve never ever had a bad experience so far, everyone is genuinely lovely and helpful, but is it important to be “seen” as belonging to a certain group? I’ve never attended any blogging conferences, I’ve wanted to in the past, but have realised it’s just not my thing, but this is really just down to my personality. I’m just an introvert, happy to be doing my thing. Have a few bloggers whom I really like personally, but don’t think I belong to any tribe.
Hi Baby Blog – My ‘clique’ are now, genuinely, the best friends I’ve ever had.
Inside Outside and Beyond – I’ve sometimes seen Instagram hashtags and thought – ooh that’s a bit cliquey but the reality is, friendship groups will be made whatever the situation be it school, work, the gym, on a course. I think if someone views it as a clique (which has negative connotations) then the issue is theirs. I gave myself that talking to a while back! Perhaps it’s a little bit of a jealousy thing?
Stephs Two Girls – I think that as in real life, we tend to hook up with people that have the same sense of humour and similar outlooks on life. It may seem difficult to ‘break into’ an established group of friends, but there’s so many bloggers out there that everyone should be able to find someone to talk to. No need to be part of an existing group – I think the tendency might be to feel you are missing out, but if you’re not in it, you don’t really know what you are missing anyway. Groups are great for support, and sometimes (but not always!), the smaller the better.
Ellamental Mama – Really interesting discussion. I have been blogging for nearly a year and I’m not sure I could say I’ve found my tribe. Though I have found small groups and few people who are very supportive and I try to be supportive of others. On groups like this I find people really helpful if you ever ask questions (I don’t have many answers to contribute yet!). One thing I would say though is that it depends on how you are feeling in life in general. I have been struggling with life over the last year and blogging has helped but also because I’ve felt unhappy and unsupported in ‘real’ life those feelings have been transposed into the blogging / social media side so I’ve felt I don’t know how to join in Twitter chats or that people always have a tribe and don’t want me to join etc. But I wouldn’t say it’s the fault of the blogging community. Of course big groups can feel daunting to build personal connections but when you feel low then small groups are hard also because you don’t feel like you belong. But like I say it’s a bigger issue.
Twinderelmo – I cannot imagine not having a group of blog buddies to bounce ideas off, ask for help/advice, rant, share awesome opps and blog achievements with. It makes what can be a pretty lonely solitary thing so much more fun. They can pick you up when your down… and send awesome gif messages to put a smile on your face!
Love Becka – Ooo I don’t know what I’d do without my “blogger clique” and now it’s so much more than blogging! I met my best friend through blogging and now she’ll be my bridesmaid, another friend I met through blogging we now meet pretty much every fortnight and I’ll be at her hen do soon! I don’t think it’s necessary but it’s so valuable once you find people you can trust.
Slouching Towards Thatcham – The topic of ‘cliques’ often seems to come up at conference time, when groups of blogging friends who may only see each other once or twice a year huddle together and from the outside seem to exclude others. There are certainly some close groups and if you wander up to them at the wrong time you won’t be welcomed in with open arms and may appear unfriendly. I’ve never really had an issue with that, to be honest. And sometimes groups hang together because they’re a bit scared of engaging with others too – safety in numbers and all that. I’m sure that at times it may have appeared that I’m a bit cliquey at a particular moment in time but the reality for me (and many others) at conferences is that you often have quite condensed short chats with people and then move on to someone else. But at that moment in time, you might appear cliquey. *shrugs*
A big thank you to everyone who took the time to answer my question, I loved reading your responses and hearing your point of view. I’ve even come across a few new blogs in the process!
For those reading this, what’s your view on the “blogging clique”? Are you part of a “blogging tribe”?
Claire x
Thanks for this post. As a newbie I’m floundering around trying to find my blogger tribe. It can sometimes seem like I’m knocking at closed doors but understandable it takes time to prove yourself. I’m just hugely impatient
Lydia C. Lee
I do think you end up at the same blogs over and over so it is sort of a clique, or like a neighbour. I work out who my neighbours are when I go missing and they check to see if I’m ok (or just busy). 😉 #FortheloveofBlog
For me clique definitely has negative connotations – so just because there’s a group I’m not part of , it doesn’t make them cliquey unless they exclude me. Everyone needs a tribe #fortheloveofblog
the frenchie mummy
I think sometimes it can be hard for new bloggers to join those tribes, not that they are unfriendly, but it’s a bit scary. I met a lot of nice bloggers since I started my blogging journey but I also met some people I have nothing in common with and I won’t necessarily friend with. it’s juts life. It’s the same everywhere else. #fortheloveofBLOG
Fran Back With A Bump
I’d definitely rather be part of the blogging tribe than clique as cliques just get me thinking of bitchy women! Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofblog
‘Blogging clique’ gives bloggers a negative, excluding vibe. It is a bad description for the wonderful group of people I’ve met on line who have been nothing but welcoming to my attempts at blogging.
I thing ‘blogging community’ describes them much better.
I definitely prefer the word tribe to clique..clique makes me think of a group of bitchy women. It can be hard to find your tribe, I think linkys are a great way to get to know other bloggers and then to start chatting on twitter etc. I also love ig communities for getting to know other bloggers xx #fortheloveofblog
Definitely prefer something like blogging tribe to clique. I’m a newbie so I’d don’t have a tribe yet but I have gotten to speak with some amazing bloggers. I’d love to be part of a little tribe.
I think it’s the same as in ‘real’ life – people can seem cliquey because they are chatting to their friends when in reality that’s how everyone is. I’m very new to trying to connect with other bloggers (but have been blogging on and off for years) and I’ve found everyone to be friendly (hopefully I haven’t been embarrassing myself trying to push in where I’m not wanted 😉 )
Mummy Times Two
I think it took me a while to know how to fit in, UK Parent Bloggers and SEND bloggers have both been fantastic, I’ve learnt the rules and now feel I have friends in the blogging world. I’ve been thrilled by just how positive everyone has been.
We are all, by nature, tribal and therefore it is part of life to want to form a tribe as a blogger. Breaking into new groups is always daunting, but I have to say that I have found fellow bloggers extremely supportive, patient and kind. Alison x #FortheloveofBLOG
Lucy's Locket
I’m new here too and I’ve found nothing but support and kindness. If I’m honest, it’s been quite a surprise! #fortheloveofblog
I’m a newbie to the world of blogging, and I think it’s great with blogging friends and tribes, without them I would have no idea what a linky is! As you I think clique is a negative word, I haven’t come across cliques, that’s not to say they aren’t out there. As with every aspect of life there will always be bad eggs amongst all the good ones. #fortheloveofBlog
Ali Duke
The word clique is horrible, it just automatically makes you think of bithcy people. I don’t belong to a tribe, but I have a few blogger friends. Everyone I have talked to has been nice, I have never felt that someone is being negative towards me.
I’ve been loving finding my “clique” (although I hate that word too) since I started blogging. Lots of help out there and everyone is really supportive! #fortheloveofBLOG
Back again with #marvmondays 🙂
Kirsty - Winnettes
The word Clique definitely has negative connotations. So far I haven’t encountered anything other than support from the blogging world. That said I find it hard to engage with some of the Facebook groups, I think this is mostly because I lack confidence with these things and don’t want to seem silly or inadvertently upset someone. I’m hoping I can overcome this soon and start joining in where I want to.
Angela Watling
Interesting post. I also hate the word clique – it reminds me of nasty groups at school. I don’t think that bloggers are cliquey (well I’m sure there is the odd clique out there because there always is…but I’ve not seen anything). I think when you are new to blogging or a community, it can be hard to know whether you are able to just get involved; Where that has happened to me, it’s been due to my anxiety rather than people not being welcoming. I don’t think I’ve still found a tribe, but I have people I routinely interact with and who I’m sure I could reach out to for advice. It takes time to build up a friendship in real life so why would it be any different online; Sometimes new bloggers just need to give it some time! #fortheloveofBLOG
Angela Watling
Just to say hello from #MarvMondays too. Your post was linked-up before mine so didn’t want you to think I had ignored it! 🙂
I also find the word clique sounds negative! I have only been blogging since August and have been, I suppose, part-time at it, having had to go back to work part time also, but every linky i’ve joined, every facebook group, every pinterest board, I have found nothing but support and positive feedback, it has been a truly wonderful experience and I look forward to the day I can blog full time and start attending things like blog fest! xx #fortheloveofblog
Twin Pickle
I’m constantly surprised and impressed with the support of the blogging community, I really had no idea before I started! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Mum Reviews
I’ve just barrelled in since day one and asked to join groups like Tribal Chat and everyone has been incredibly welcoming! It was a bit more intimidating at Blogfest to walk up to groups of people who already seemed to know each other, but no one was unfriendly or excluded me. I seem to remember shamelessly tagging along to dinner with some more established bloggers than me afterwards and they acted cool with it… I think bloggers are a pretty unique bunch! We’re all different, but for the most part, we seem to support each other. I think it takes a certain sort of person to put yourself out there on the internet like we do, and maybe that brings us together.
Louise -Mummy Miller
I would definitely call them friends not cliques, I’ve found everyone I’ve encountered so far to be so supportive and friendly. I’ve joined a few Facebook groups but haven’t really joined in yet because I just feel too new, even though I’ve been going for 6 months now #fortheloveofBLOG
Helen - TalkingMums
I too find the word ‘clique’ pretty negative as it implies exclusiveness. I pretty new to blogging and haven’t found a tribe yet. Loving getting involved in all these links though.
Hey Claire,
I think blogging pals come naturally with mutual interests, babies of a similar age, kindness on Twitter and thoughtful comments on people posts. You kind of work out who you ‘gel’ with, but also as you say I find that everyone has an open door for questions. Friendly bunch indeed!
Yeah I don’t like the word ‘clique’ either – sounds like a closed door.
Tribe, group, pals, network, yeah!
It took mea little while to establish that lot of bloggers are really shy! Say hello in person or online, not many people bite 🙂
Ditto, I’ve always found the blogging community to be so supportive. I fear I have vanished a bit of late but will hopefully get my mojo back soon and be back….. #fortheloveofBLOG
Reading this lovely positive post remind me of my kids school play groud. By that I mean mums on the school run, everyone has been very nice to me (a new mummy in town) I have had to put some effort in but that’s OK, they all know each other pretty well and they don’t no me at all. I’m not naturally forward or overly confident but if you can dig deep and throw yourself into a conversation being polite and respectful I do believe you’ll get that back from others.
It can be hard though, I’m new to this blogging business too although my co-blogger has been working in the area for years now. I ask for her support alot! I think I do her head in 🙂 It does sometimes feel like stepping into a party thats been happening for a while. But I’m learning so that’s OK. #fortheloveofblog
Jane Taylor
Such a comprehensive post,Claire. It’s such a good topic to debate. I prefer friends/tribe. I agree with the point that many of us have communicated remotely and so by the time you get to a conference like Blogfest you are so excited about seeing everyone again that you naturally seek them out. I’d hate to think anyone felt excluded or left out though. My huge worry at such events is I meet people whose blogs I’ve been commenting on but don’t connect names,blogs and faces…some don’t look like their profiles or their photos are hidden in their blog somewhere so I hope I didn’t offend anyone by failing to recognise them!!!
I found this interesting because I think that I’ve found myself falling into several different blogging groups. US dads, US moms, Liberal bloggers, some UK dads and a different group that I’d call UK moms. Different groups of people that I can always count on to read my posts and expect the same, as well as support and advice when needed. #fortheloveofblog
I only started blogging about 8 weeks ago, but in reality for the first month or so, I just sat on my own finally being able to have a space to publish the content that had just lived in my head. It’s not until very recently that I’ve found the blogging tribe! And it’s really cool – I’ve also learnt so much and find everyone so supportive, kind and friendly. When I joined my first Linky I had to literally ask for instructions!!! And I got them! Hope to meet lots of you in the weeks and months to come! #fortheloveofBLOG
I like being part of a community and its funny seeing names I recognise in your post from linkys and in UKPB. I think you need to really put yourself out there to find your own tribe. Blogging was quite a lonely place for me until I found UKPB now I have an unlimited resource in the group and have just started my own small pod. #fortheloveofblog
Urgh I hate the term clique. I’ve only ever found the blogging circle a positive one. Most especially from the linkys I join regularly. I do find some Facebook groups can be a bit intimidating at times but I think this may be down to how I react and perceive rather than their intention. There is a lot more experience in these groups I find and sometimes it feels like we should all just know about the stuff that’s discussed. Where of course we all know that everyday is a school day when it comes to blogging. Overall I think it’s a very friendly and super helpful group of people. Great post. #fortheloveofblog
Sinead (
This is such an interesting post. Loved reading the diverse perspectives of the bloggers featured. I’m new so I’m a bit of a lone ship at the moment but I reckon in time I will find some like-minded peeps and it will all happen organically. I can certainly spot bloggers on social media who make me laugh and I know we would get along but you can’t force these things either, can you? Great things are worth waiting for and investing in and Rome wasn’t built in a day…
Such an interesting discussion you’ve sparked here Claire. I have to say I have been incredibly grateful for how lovely and supportive ALL my interactions have been with other bloggers. I did imagine it may be a little cliquey initially, but quickly realised this isn’t the case at all – such a supportive community rather than ‘cliquey’ which’ does have more negative connatations. I stay on the periphery due to time constraints and my own choice at the moment – never because I’ve ever felt excluded. #foetheloveofBLOG
Squirmy Popple
Like many others, I hate the word ‘clique’ and much prefer to think about my blogging friends as a ‘tribe’. While I’ve found people to be very friendly and helpful overall, there are always going to be smaller groups within the bigger blogging groups – and that’s only natural. You’ll connect with some people better than others. I chat with some of my blogging friends on a daily basis, and they’ve been such a lifeline for me. #fortheloveofBLOG
Cherry at The Newby Tribe
This is really interesting to read Claire! I would say, as a new blogger (about 5 months in), I have found everyone is really welcoming and friendly. I guess that there are ‘tribes’ or ‘cliques’ but I’ve never found, online, that people are excluding at all – I’ve not been to any conferences so can’t talk about that part – but I’ve only found loveliness and welcoming from everyone I’ve come across. #fortheloveofblog
Tracey Abrahams
I have only recently returned to blogging and not in a serious way, so I would say the guys I regularly chat to online are friends rather than a blogger clique. We very rarely chat about blogging, more everyday stuff.
I have found the wider blogging community on the whole to be a very welcoming inclusive group. I was very worried after I stopped blogging and stopped linky hosting that I would not be particularly welcome back, but that couldnt be further from the truth. People welcomed me back in a way that made me feel very warm and fuzzy.
I think much like real life, if you’re wanting to be part of something, the best way is just to get stuck in. At. Conferences it’s hard not to get overwhelmed by faces of people you’ve spoken to online. Without intending to sideline anyone new, it might happen by accident.
I think also, the bigger the blogger, the less likely they are to want to befriend everyone who Says hello as it must get pretty crazy? I doubt it makes them a bad person, just preserving their sanity!
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
I really enjoyed this read. I hate the word clique – it’s so negative. I think we have our blogger friends who support us. I have always said how supportive our little world and I’m so grateful to be a part of it xx #bigpinklink
five little doves
I totally agree, I hate the word clique, it has such negative connotations. My blogging tribe isn’t a clique, they are simply an amazing group of friends who I look to for support and inspiration and a guaranteed smile. I think it’s so important to have that tribe, for me it keeps me going even when I’m flagging! #bigpinklink
Back With A Bump
Blogging tribe all the way. Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays
Emma Island Living 365
I agree with a lot of what has been said here. I don’t like the term clique and think it used to imply a group is being negative or excluding people. However, I feel very honoured and lucky to be part of a tribe that is very welcoming and friendly. In fact I think I would be hard pushed to find a friendlier bunch of peeps. #marvmondays
I think it’s fantastic to have a blogging tribe. I’ve met some fantastic blogging friends and I don’t really feel it’s a clique. A clique always feels unwelcoming to me and the blogging community has been nothing but welcome. Bloggers are right up there with the nicest, most genuine people I know! #MarvMondays
Something About Baby
When I first started blogging, I found a lot of blogging “tribes” but felt like I didn’t fit in. I just didn’t have the time to regularly engage with people, and at times it has got me down that I don’t have a unique set of blogging friends like others appear to. But I do have one brilliant blogging bestie who I couldn’t live without, and as you have said, the parenting blogging world is pretty friendly as a whole so I know I’m never “excluded” and so far, I’m ok with this. I would love to meet some of my favourite writers in “real life” though as I really think this would help me to engage a bit more and build up my blogging circle. #MarvMondays
It’s really interesting to see what so many others think. Blogging is fab and it can feel cliquey but in reality it isn’t. Everyone I have encourtered are lovely and always willing to lend a hand – it is part of what makes it so special. #fortheloveofblog xx
I’m still trying to find my tribe! I also don’t like the word Clique. No one ever uses that word in a good way! #MarvMonday
Baby Anon / Michelle G
What an interesting post. I think the word ‘clique’ has negative connotations and reminds me of cliquey groups in school. One of the things I didn’t realise was that there was a community of bloggers who would be so supportive. The kindness of people’s feedback has given me confidence to keep going. #bigpinklink
Lianne harris
I don’t think the blogging community has cliques, rather it has friendships built as they would do in person over time. The blogging community has been overwhelmingly supportive to me in times when I really needed it and for that I’ll always be grateful.
If anyone feels intimidated perhaps it’s their own lack of confidence but in time us bloggers will show them we aren’t a scary bunch! #fortheloveofblog
Patty Gordon
I think in real life and in my blogging life I struggle to keep in touch with my tribe. I’ve always felt like an outsider since I was an Army Brat and moved around a lot as a kid. That lifestyle somehow got me in the habit of “have a great time now, but you may never see these people again” and it stinks! I think that has rolled over into my online life as well.
Your post has inspired me though to make a list of potential tribe members to visit on a consistent basis. Maybe that will help grow my tribe. Hmmm…that would be a great blog post! Hehe How to build your blogging tribe!
Alana - Burnished Chaos
I’ve been blogging 4 months now and although I’m not part of any tribes yet I have found everyone extremely kind and friendly and not at all cliquey
Jo (Mother of Teenagers)
A very interesting post and loads of thoughtful comments. I am still only a newbie in the blogging world and wouldn’t say I have a definite tribe but there are those I would definitely feel happy to approach if I needed help. I haven’t done a twitter chat yet but that is definitely next on my list. As with life you only get out what you put in but for sure I have found the blogging community to be hugely supportive. It’s an interesting journey. #fortheloveofBLOG
I’m in a number of the groups that you mention and love interacting with others. #fortheloveofBLOG
shaney (imummyblog)
It’s really interesting to see everyone’s opinions, Ive not had any negative experience with regards to “cliques” I feel you can be involved as much as you want to be, everybody is really welcoming x #fortheloveofBLOG
Devon Mama
I don’t feel I’ve quite found my blogging tribe just yet but it definitely feels less intimidating than it did a little while ago. As a relatively new blogger (well someone who’s only just started taking it a bit more seriously!), I found it quite a lonely place to be until about 6 weeks ago when I started joining in on twitter and joining the linkies. Like you said, I think these help you find a place in a community. From the outside it can seem really cliquey but once you start to get involved you get to meet some lovely supportive people who build each other up. I’m loving my foray into a new world! #marvmondays
Emma Jones
The word clique definitely seems negative. I’ve yet to find my group but have found everyone nice & helpful so far. #bigpinklink Lifeinthemumslane
This is why I love joining in with linkys so I’m constantly finding new bloggers and content to read. I do find I’m using the same ones but I would necessarily consider to be cliquey or a friend circle as I don’t talk to them besides a tweet about the Linky. I am pretty new to the game though and just love reading and commenting on loads of posts so maybe I’ll find that group in the next year or so and feel more in a clique or friends circle #MarvMondays
Lisa Pomerantz
I am constantly amazed at the wonderful people I am meeting through blogging. I call them friends…really, without meeting in real life, we all talk, laugh, cry together over some really serious shit. It’s like group therapy without the fee — so there ais a natural tendency to align and form friendships because we all have ‘inner circle’ knowledge that has been shared. Truthfully, I am so very grateful for the blogging community and the friends I continue to make. You are all helping me greatly! M’wah! #BigPinkLink
Louise Pink Pear Bear
I absolutely agree that being friendly and kind will get you far. Blogging can be a very lonely and isolated world and not many people outside it understand. It’s great to have friends who ‘get it’. Thanks so much for being a part of the #bigpinklink it’s a pleasure to have you onboard!
Cherry at The Newby Tribe
Still a fab post! Just returning from #marvmondays
Tooting Mama
I’m not a fan of the word clique, reminds me too much of those super cool teenage girls hiding behind their fringes. Am I part of the tribe, to be honest, I don’t know. I just write, get my words out there and get some amazing comments back from people which I find so wonderful, and I am hugely thankful people take the time to read my words and make the effort to comment. I didn’t come to blogging to make friends but getting to know other bloggers has been rather serendipitous. So thank you all! #bigpinklink
Soppymum (Sara)
This was a really interesting read. I have definitely enjoyed ‘meeting’ people through the blog. I need to start making more of an effort now though and really get involved more. Thanks as always for hosting #fortheloveofblog
Siena Says
It’s a funny one really. I think that the only people who could make a judgement about whether a clique is a clique are those who are on the outside of the group. Anyone who is inside the group wouldn’t see it as a clique as they are involved (does that make sense?)
I am on the periphery and that’s fine, I would like to find a tribe, but it’s not something you can force is it? I’ll just keep on being nice 🙂
Very thought-provoking post x
Sunita - Lucky Things blog
Love this blog Claire. Clique can mean so many things. As I mentioned on your Insta corner, I prefer team or crew! For me, these teams and crews are forever expanding as the more the merrier. Clique always makes me feel like it’s closed group. Anyway, you know how much I love getting us all together and stuff. Blogging has been fab for meeting new people and in real life too. So many of the blogging crew have been supportive over the past year through ups and the downs. Can’t wait to see you in January xx #fortheloveofBLOG
Becci - The UnNatural Mother
I have only been to 1 event so far and followed Fi around like a lost sheep as i found it all very overwhelming . Now i have a bit more confidence i hope i will be able to walk up to a few people and say ‘hi’. I do get the feeling that the blogging world is very ‘clicky’ but isnt everything in life ? Sometimes you just need to stick your neck out and take a risk #fortheloveofblog