Parents in Business featuring Nanos Spanish

Parents in Business featuring Nano Spanish

This week on my Parents in Business series I’m delighted to introduce Josefina who created Nano Spanish, an online course to help children aged 1 to 4 learn Spanish through games, play and songs.  

Josefina set up the business to benefit children with the gift of language learning, and successfully juggles this around her two children. I love her top tip of stopping to congratulate yourself on your successes, which is easy to put by the wayside, but is so very important. Carry on reading Josefina’s story below and maybe Nano Spanish could benefit your child? 

Tell me a little bit about you, your background, and your business?

My background is in Education and before I was teaching the little ones I taught Spanish at secondary and primary as well as being Head of the Language department at my School. Nanos Spanish is a pre-school language programme taught in parent and child classes, nursery schools and online. Our classes are aimed for 1 to 4 year olds. They are active, interactive, and include a mixture of body and movement related exercises, games, songs and educational activities; all aimed to develop not only the linguistic competence of the children but also other key areas of their development.

What were your motivations for setting up your business?

My professional background, being a mother of two in a multilingual family and of course the very well researched fact that language learning holds its highest potential in early childhood, made me take the first steps towards creating a program where languages are introduced as early as possible. Nanos’ program was born on the believe that we should do the best for our children, taking full advantage of their innate ability to learn languages as well as supporting other parents that want to raise their children to be bilingual or multilingual, which can be hard.

Parents in Business featuring Nanos Spanish

How do you balance the business around family and childcare?

I must admit this is can be hard to juggle. When you own your own business, the to do list never seems to end and there is always things that could be done better. Reminding myself that I wanted to have more flexibility and making myself stop thinking about what needs doing at family times requires discipline but I do try and I can take the time to help my eldest (16) with revisions, talks, fashion discussions. And my youngest (9) with homework, reading, and games. I also ask the for their opinion on things and I must say they are very helpful.

Since setting up your business what has been your biggest success to date?

My biggest success is that I can be sure of the quality of my programme when I see how much the children enjoy learning and the progress they make as well as the parents signing up to the classes with the youngest siblings too.

What are your top tips for parents who are thinking about setting up their own business?

Work hard, congratulate yourself on your successes, have someone to talk to about your business, not only your partner (I’m sure this will be husbands first and ultimate tip, haha) and surround yourself with people that can help you achieve your dreams, one cannot be an expert at everything!

Thank you so much Josefina for letting me feature you and Nano Spanish on my blog. Keep up the good work and all the best for the future.

You can see what Nano Spanish is all about by visiting the website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channel. 

If you like what you’re reading and would love to be part of my Parents in Business series just drop me an email: Or have a nose at some of the other businesses I have featured in the series: Hummy MummiesMuMar, and Little Bundle Box.

Claire x  

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