Dreaming Of A Career On The Stage?
Deciding what career path to go down is definitely one of the most difficult decisions to make. Many people feel like there is a lot of pressure on them when it comes to thinking about this part of their life. If you are currently debating a career in musical theatre, this post is here to help you make up your mind.
There is truly no denying the popularity of musical theatre at present. Many would agree that whilst this is a form of entertainment that has long been enjoyed, it is currently experiencing a peak period. There are more opportunities than ever before. Disability employment services will tell you that this applies to disabled people too. More roles are being created for people with disabilities, meaning more opportunities. Do you see yourself on the stage rather? If so, you should definitely consider going to one of the many theatre schools. Is this the right move for you?
Of course if you are to go to one of the theatre schools, it is imperative that you have a passion of musical theatre. A lot of people go to university or college simply because they do not know what to do with their life and thus are looking to pass the time or make sure they get a degree of some sort. This is not something you can do with musical theatre. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and love for your craft.
So, what will you learn when attending a musical theatre school? First and foremost, your course will be centred on ensuring you are the triple threat, i.e. skilled in dance, acting and singing. Yet there are some courses that go above and beyond this and offer lessons in the likes of music production, direction, costuming, stage management and more. You need to consider your course selection with a great amount of care. Do you want to leave your options wide open? If so, go for a course with as many different modules as possible.
There is no denying that it takes a certain type of person to have a career in musical theatre. You need to be confident, dedicated, outgoing, adaptable and able to work well in a team. You must carry yourself well and be professional at all time. A lot of these traits you will pick up along the way. But, you will know in your heart of hearts whether you have the potential to fill such a role.
When selecting the right course to embark on, it is important to opt for something that does not limit you. For example, you may have your heart set on a specific job, yet there is no guarantee you are going to be able to bag this career. Therefore, you need to make sure the course you select opens many doors for you. This is something musical theatre definitely does. You will be trained in dancing, singing, and acting. There are even some courses that provide further education in relation to direction, stage management, music production, costuming, and much, much more. When you take this into account you see how many opportunities can come from taking a course like this.
In addition to this, it is pivotal to consider the fact that musical theatre is definitely an industry that is thriving at the moment. Over the next few years it is likely that more and more opportunities will arise. If you embark on a musical theatre course, this is something you will be able to take advantage of. By the time you have finished your training you know that there will be opportunities that are waiting for you, as this is certainly not an industry that is declining.
Last but not least, don’t overlook the benefits a musical theatre course will have on your character and your personality. You will gain so many positive attributes from this type of training. One of the most important advantages is in relation to your confidence and your self-esteem. This will be boosted substantially and is something you can carry into other walks of your life. In addition to this, your poise will improve, as will your self-discipline. As you can see, there are lots of benefits to be gained!
Claire x

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