30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 9
We all have our cravings, some have more cravings than others, some have pregnancy cravings and some don’t. I often experience cravings at different times of the day, or when I’m in a different mood, or on holidays. Cravings don’t necessarily need to be food related either. Here’s my cravings:
- I crave for a chicken tikka massalla on a Friday night.
- I crave for a cool glass of white wine on a hot summer’s day.
- I crave for endless cups of tea in the morning.
- I crave for breadsticks and Philadelphia when I hungover.
- I crave for Ribena when I’m ill.
- I crave for my husband to come home to do bedtime routine when he’s working late.
- I crave to sit outside in the garden when the sun in shining.
- I crave to be sat on a beach when it’s Winter in the UK.
- I crave for my daughter to nap just so I can have a break.
- I crave a country pub with a log first on a cold Winter’s day.
I’d love to hear what your cravings are?
Claire x
A mum track mind
Claire you are making me hungry and I started my post-preg diet today!! I am so with you on Ribena when ill thing – I thought it was just me! I also wish my other half would come home from work early enough to help out – he’s never home before half 8 *sigh* #fortheloveofBLOG
Currently craving a headache tablet!!! Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Oh no hope you found some lovely x
I have a near constant craving for chocolate, and well, pretty much all food in general most of the time! I have no idea why. I can only assume it’s down to the breastfeeding. I seem to live off chocolate and bread without putting on weight, which must infuriate my poor husband who loves food but is trying to lose weight! Have you ever tried raspberry Ribena? It seemed to be introduced a few years ago but I’ve not been able to find it recently. It was THE BEST! xx #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I also crave chocolate too, and cake. I blame the breastfeeding as well. I’ve not tried raspberry Ribena, I’ll give it a whirl. Thanks for commenting lovely 🙂 Claire x
Squirmy Popple
Ooh, I also crave wine and sitting outside when it’s nice out. Thankfully it ‘s FINALLY starting to feel like spring. Bring on the sun! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
So happy that it’s hot and sunny, thanks for commenting 🙂 Claire x
I live in Ireland and crave the sun. I crave light. I crave Vitamin D. every day. I miss hot summers. When I see all the fashion bloggers with their summer wardrobes I say Bullshit. I have one wardrobe all year round….Having said that when the sun shines here, it is the most beautiful place in the world 🙂
The Pramshed
I can imagine it is the most beautiful place in the world lovely, enjoy it, that’s more important than hot and sunny weather. Claire x
Emma - meandbmaketea
aww I feel for you ladies with your other halfs getting home so late. I know I am very lucky really. my hubby is home by half 4 every day. he always does the bed routine while I cook/clean up (blog…shhhh!)! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ooh lucky you! Thanks for commenting lovely. Claire x
Gosh, right now I crave a massive, MASSIVE sticky bun because NC has just sucked me dry (breastfeeding). But I will be good and have a blueberry muffin. OK, that’s not really being good but I’ll feel vaguely virtuous! Thank you for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
A blueberry muffin would be lovely! Hope you enjoyed 🙂 Claire x
This made me so hungry too! My worst cravings are for sugar and dairy. Probably the perfect thing would be a combination… now sat here thinking about muller rice or toffee yoghurts. oh, god- ice cream… #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I know what you mean about dairy! So addictive….cheese (yum!) Claire x
Nursery Whines
I crave time to sit down and drink a cup of fully caffeinated coffee before it gets cold. Also with you on the cool glass of white wine and the help with the bedtime routine. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I agree with you on the coffee, hope you manage to enjoy one soon! Claire x
Baby Anon
I love your list. Mother craves red wine, crisps and holidays in Italy. I am a baby of simple tastes – I just crave milk, round the clock, on tap 😉 #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ha ha! My little one craved milk all the time……now she craves yogurt in large quantities 🙂 x
Mrs Lighty
Ooh good point about the cravings not being food related! I definitely hear the sunshine one! Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG 🙂
The Pramshed
Thanks for commenting lovely, yes we can crave all sorts of things….currently craving bed and sleep. Claire x
Mrs Lighty
Hope you manage it soon! Night xxx
rachelbustin blog (@RachelBustin)
I crave a really hot chicken madras curry, but as i’m breastfeeding i haven’t risked it!
The Pramshed
I think you can have that…the baby might like it 🙂
Rebecca | AAUBlog
I love to have lucozade when I’m ill – only then, though, I never normally have it! #fortheloveofBLOG x
The Pramshed
Ooh yeah same here, a whole 1 litre bottle 🙂 x
I’m with you on those cravings. I crave a glass of cold Pimms when the sun comes out, and have really been craving orange juice for breakfast recently. Mostly I crave some peace and quiet (it doesn’t happen very often) #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Pimms is good, I forgot about that! Maybe I’ll have one tomorrow in the sunshine. Thanks for commenting lovely 🙂 xx
I love this post! The glass of wine on a summers day, and the pub with a log fire would be on a list of my cravings too! Lovely, lighthearted post.
The Pramshed
Thank you, the glass of wine craving on a summer’s day was met today. Claire x
Ali Duke
I crave chocolate when I am feeling down
I crave cuddles from my hubby after a long day.
There a probably a lot more than this if I really thought about it. I am with you with the endless cups of tea lol.
The Pramshed
I couldn’t cope without a cup of tea throughout the day! Ah I like your cravings 🙂 xx
Laughing Mum
I crave a cleaner every Monday morning! The husband and kids cannot even be human with the amount of mess they create over the weekend! I literally could cry…. and crisps, I crave crisps ALL day EVERY day! 🙂
The Pramshed
I forgot about crisps, love a crisp too! 🙂 x
Not Just Phoebe
Great post, I always crave the seeing the sea and crave BBQ’s when the sun is shining 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
That’s a lovely craving, that would make me happy seeing that. Thanks for commenting lovely 🙂 x
Not Just Phoebe
I often wonder why I’m grumpy or in an odd mood and it’s because I’m lacking the ocean 🙂 great
Post 🙂 X
The Pramshed
Ah a lovely craving! Hope you get the ocean view soon 🙂 x
Not Just Phoebe
Went today! Was lush 😉
Hannah G, The 'Ordinary' Mum
My cravings pretty much always consist of chocolate and cake. To say I have a sweet tooth would be an understatement! Thanks for hosting lovely #fortheloveofBLOG x
The Pramshed
Same here, I left those of the list as I wanted to think about other cravings I had. But cake and chocolate come pretty high up! Thanks for commenting 🙂 x
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi)
Can definitely relate to these! I think my biggest one is for a nice hot cup of tea when I get in from work – and for someone else to make it. 😉 #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Ha ha, yes! 🙂
Life with monster child
Thanks to the burger pic I am now craving a burger.
I didn’t have cravings whilst pregnant either. Now I crave things like, to go out for dinner, to be able to shop without a toddler, read a book on a beach abroad, and a bikini body too!
The Pramshed
You’re the second person to have said that! All your cravings sound like my cravings too 🙂 x
I crave crisps! I wish I didn’t though. I also crave being able to relax and do nothing. That’s the thing I find about being a mum, so much doing! And I also crave being able to earn a living doing what I love. Thanks for sharing your list. A country pub with a winter’s fire sounds blissful! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Crisps, love crisps! 🙂 x
Ahhh I love the way you’ve listed cravings that are not just food related. I can relate to prett much all of these…tick, tick and tick! I find I have different cravings at different times too…I quite like a food craving, it’s so satisfying to fulfil #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I love a non-food related craving, my other cravings would be cake and chocolate 🙂 x
Oh I’m hungry now! Enjoyed sitting in the sun in our garden day, what a gorgeous week it’s been. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
It’s been a lovely week, ticking off a lot of my cravings x
I mostly just crave sleep! And a more organised life! Your cravings all seem very sensible, though. Did you have any weird ones when you were pregnant? I’m intrigued by your 30-day challenge, off to read more about it now! Thanks for hosting #ForTheLoveOfBLOG
The Pramshed
I didn’t have any weird cravings when I was pregnant at all. The 30 day challenge is good, but I can’t maintain it everyday – it’s too much. Claire x
At the moment I am craving New York City!! My linked up blog explains all. Clever plug hey?! But all in all your cravings sound very appetising, food related or not. Right now I’d go for the wine, it is Saturday night after all. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Oh yeah great craving! Looking forward to reading your blog post…..enjoy the wine 🙂 x
Nadia - ScandiMummy
I crave Ribena too, but most days not just when I’m ill. I too crave for Caspian to go to sleep sometime so I can get a break. I crave chocolate. And a cake. And then I crave other seasons, not just summer in winter, but sometimes autumn in spring… it’s strange! Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG
Nadia – ScandiMummy x
The Pramshed
Sleep must be top of my agenda if little one has had a bad night! There is nothing worse than wanting to crawl into bed when they won’t sleep. Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂 x
The Unsung Mum
Ha great post! I crave help with the bedtime routine too, oh and night wakings. I normally crave cake the most though, especially after a hard day with the kids! Nothing hits the stop more! lol #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I would love help during the night wakings too……damn breastfeeding! x
The Pramshed
To Arizona......and beyond
At the moment I crave cake and my husband’s burgers on the bbq …all the time, we’ve had them 3 weekends in a row now! I’m blaming breastfeeding too, I’m always starving. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ha ha! It is BBQ weather here for us at the moment, so we’ll be having one later today. Have a fab weekend 🙂 x
Fern P
I gave up sugar a month ago and now I hardly ever crave any type of food! This is a blessing because before I quit I would crave Coca-cola and chocolate brownie all the time!
My biggest cravings now are definitely coffee and fresh air, especially after a long day being stuck inside with the kids.
The Pramshed
Wow well done on giving up sugar, I gave up sugar in my tea 2 years ago and never looked back. Fresh air is a good craving! 🙂 x
Jane Taylor
I crave more hours in the day to read everyone’s linky posts so that I can get to know other marvellous blogs out there and also have more time to write my own posts…Failing that, I crave the ability to not need any sleep AT ALL! Thanks for hosting #FortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I crave that too, I hadn’t thought of that one. Time to write more posts would be amazing, and not having to compromise sleep. Thanks for commenting lovely. Claire x
love your list of cravings! I crave chocolate – almost daily! I also crave time out – time out from the routine of it all sometimes #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Same here, I crave chocolate daily too. I just had a cake….argh it’s not even 10am! 🙂 x
I crave for mexican food, red velvet cake, balsamic strawberries…food really, I crave for food. #fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
Ooh what are balsamic strawberries? 🙂 x
Love this! Currently craving a hayfever cure and a strawberry cornetto! Thanks for hosting I love this linky xx #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Oh no hope the hayfever gets better soon lovely! and that you found a strawberry cornetto 🙂 x
I’m with you on the cool glass of wine on a hot summers day. Its currently 35 degrees here in Kuwait and its a “dry” country so won’t get my next Pino hit for 2 months! Thanks for hosting this awesome party #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ooh lovely for the heat (love a hot country) but not sure I could do without the wine, that would make my craving even worse. Enjoy your wine soon lovely. Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂 x
Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate….and chocolate!! I have a ridiculously sweet tooth, I could eat it every second of every day and never get sick of it! It’s my only real vice though! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
I have to eat chocolate every single day! But weirdly I don’t crave it 🙂
I crave for barbecues/cocktails when the sun is truly out… A Bit like today!
I really enjoyed your take on cravings! Look forward to reading the rest of the dA-Z 🙂 xxx #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Thanks Sassy! We had a BBQ this afternoon, but no cocktails. Unless you count Pimms in a Thermos flask in the park earlier ha ha! I just need to crack on with the rest now 🙂 x
I have smell cravings. The smell of petrol, leather, nail varnish, olbas oil… mmmmmmmm
x Alice
The Pramshed
I hadn’t thought of smell cravings hun! I love the smell of petrol, and weirdly kreosate too ha! x
Nadia - ScandiMummy
I thought I made a comment, but it’s not here as far as I can see, so I’ll just try again 🙂 Like you I crave Ribena, it started during my pregnancy and has never really gone away… I crave chocolate and cake (A LOT) and then I sometimes crave rain when it’s sunny, winter when it’s summer, the smell of autumn on a spring day – very strange I know. I do think it’s important to indulge from time to time and give in to cravings especially of the eatable kinds 🙂 Thanks for hosting #fortheloveofBLOG
Nadia – ScandiMummy x
The Pramshed
Hi Nadia, not to worry I’ve just checked and I’ve got your comment on my blog post 🙂 I agree it’s important to indulge definitely. Claire x
It’s easy to crave the sweet stuff. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Cake and chocolate, yum yum 🙂 x
Great cravings. I crave wine, cigarettes (oooops), chocolate and pizza! And time alone! #fortheloveofblog
I crave carbs…pasties or fish and chips….mmm. When I was pregnant I wanted oxo cubes and bath sponges soaked in water. WEIRD. I am peckish now. I also crave summer mornings where there is a haze over the city but you know you are going to come back from work to sunshine. Not rain. #Fortheloveofblog
The Pramshed
That is very weird, but some people have weird cravings when they are pregnant for coal and soap! Ooh yeah I like the haze, I think we had that yesterday in London. Rain stay away – hate rain x
Mamma Bear
That’s the most versatile explanation of craving that I’ve ever read. Right now, I’m just craving for a good night’s sleep at a reasonable hour. It’s 1:42 AM here, in India. And I don’t think I’ll be falling asleep for another hour at least 🙁
The Pramshed
Hope you can get to sleep soon lovely! 🙂 x
Mummy & the Mexicans (@ruthhilbrown)
My usual cravings are chocolate, ice cream, coffee and granola (maybe that one’s a bit of a weird craving!) My craving for creme eggs sadly can’t be satisfied as they don’t exist here:(. I also crave some new clothes, bluebell woods, a walk in the countryside (without risking heatstroke), and some extra blogging time! #fortheloveofBLOG
The Pramshed
Ooh love a creme egg! I’m also craving new clothes at the moment, especially now that we are about to enter the Summer months x