How to decide whether to have an elective c-section
I’ve had two c-sections. My first was a semi-emergency and my second was a semi-emergency/elective c-section. In case you’re wondering how it came to being both, my birth story will tell you why?
Are you prepared for the fourth trimester?
You’ve done your NCT or your hypnobirthing course. Read all the books. Been attending pregnancy yoga or pilates religiously for weeks. Been oiling that bump since you found out you were pregnant. Had…
One thing to think about adding to your pre-birth shopping list
Hands up if you’ve heard of stem cell collection or stem cell storage? Do you know what it is, how it’s done and why it’s done? I can imagine that if you are…
The truths about having a c-section
It’s c-section awareness month and I have been thinking back to my c-section just under 21 months ago. Going overdue, being induced and then failing to progress were in my opinion the classic…
The Partner’s View – Babies and Beauty
This week we are back with my guest series – The Partner’s View. I set up this guest series as I felt that often during child birth the partner’s feelings and thoughts are…