Mums in Business featuring Katie Colella Social
This week as part of my Mums in Business series I’m excited to be featuring Katie who created Katie Colella Social; a business to help guide mums and women who are setting up their own business or those who want to take the next step.
Katie’s story is really inspiring to read as she has been running her own businesses since she was 18, and applying her learnings from one business to the next. So if you’re thinking about setting up your own business take Katie’s advice and just go for it, don’t hold back. Read on to find out about Katie’s business journey and how she might be able to benefit you.
Tell me a little bit about you, your background and Katie Colella Social?
I tend to work with women – especially a lot of mums who are either just starting out in the online business world and not sure how to proceed or women who are already navigating their way around their business, but who are looking for help with the next step. Many of the women I work with are technophobes, possibly not believing in themselves as much as they should and feel overwhelmed by ‘all the things’ they feel they need to know to run a successful business. My clients have usually left a 9-5 in the pursuit of more freedom and a better work-life balance around their home and family life. I work with mainly service-based businesses at the moment, but I’ve also had a successful product business in the past, so do have clients running all kinds of businesses.
What were your drivers and motivations for setting up Katie Colella Social?
I started my first business at aged 18 and I think wanting to be my own boss has always been in my blood after seeing my mum and dad run their own small businesses off and on as a child. After a few years in employment and whilst on holiday with my now husband, we both decided to start another business together, so we could have the extra freedom and a work-life balance that we both craved.
I had 3 step children and we decided to start a guest house and catering business from scratch (no where near as idyllic as I would have liked!). When we moved in, I was 3 months pregnant with our first child together and we wondered what on earth we had started – but as much as the guesthouse business was full on and hard work, 5 years later when we sold (and another baby), it had served it’s purpose. I was able to run the business from home, whilst still being a full-time mum to my babies.
How do you balance the business around family and childcare?
A few businesses down the line from the guest house, I have learnt what works for me and our family and I think my current business provides a better balance than ever before. Mums are superheroes, we literally do so much and I’m forever in awe of mums, whether they are employed or work for themselves. One of my personal beliefs of success and what it means to me is being able to have the freedom to take my children to school, pick them up, attend every single event without fail, be there for them when they need me, taking the weekends off to spend time with them and travel when we can – which is something we all enjoy.
Realising what works for me and allowing myself time to switch off and enjoy being with my children was a big step for me. In my past business, I could feel the business taking over and I ended up falling out of love with it, as it was taking too much time. Instead of doing what I’d set out to do – have a great work-life balance, it was taking over. So I sold that business and started another. I’ve never been happier and the boundaries are in place (always evolving I may add), to live life on my terms. I take time to concentrate on work – where I’m present with my clients (when the children are at school). Then I have set times when it’s all about family – for example at the weekend, and I’m present with my children.
Since setting up the business what’s been your biggest success to date?
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve had numerous businesses and have seen some fantastic successes. I’ve won 4 businesses awards and have been part of a no.1 best selling book about mums in business, becoming a no.1 best selling co-author. But I think my biggest success is realising that all the businesses, the ups, the downs, the failures, the learning have all been to get to the place that I’m now in. Where I can help others by sharing my experiences and skills. I find it really empowering and I’m passionate about helping other women in business.
What’s your top tip for Mums who are thinking about setting up their own business?
My top tip for anyone who is thinking of setting up their own business, is to stop thinking and start doing! Nothing will happen if you don’t take action. This can be step by step and doesn’t have to happen overnight but take steps daily to get you closer to your dream life. You also need to believe in yourself. Anything is possible and you are enough!
I also think it’s hugely important to surround yourself with positivity. You need empowering, supportive like-minded people in your life who have your back. If you need help, it’s ok to ask for it too, so many of us are stubborn and don’t like asking for help, but having a supportive tribe around you that can help and support will help you achieve your goals quicker and will understand the rollercoaster ride.
Thank you so much Katie for taking part in my series, it was lovely to interview you, and I wish you the best of luck in the future.
You can find out more about Katie Colella Social by visiting Katie’s website or her Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook channels.
If you would like to be part of my Mums in Business then just drop me an email: Or have a nose at some of the other businesses I have featured in my series: Halia Rose, Rock The Bump, and Engineered Copy.
Claire x