Mums in Business featuring The Mummy Consultancy
This week as part of my Mums in Business series I am delighted to introduce Fiona at The Mummy Consultancy. I came away feeling really inspired after reading the response here to my interview questions, there is so much positivity, and it really is possible to turn around your career for the better once you have children. As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts in the series, I am totally supportive of any Mum who makes a success of themselves, and has the confidence to do just that… matter how big the leap feels. Read on to find out about Fiona’s story.
Tell me a little bit about you, your background and The Mummy Consultancy
I’m Fiona Brown, 38, mum to 2 boys who are 3 and 1, married and live in Essex.
After being refused flexible working at my job in London after I had my eldest in 2014, I took a part time Lecturer post at a local college, but after having my second son in 2016, childcare for 2 kids was so expensive it wasn’t actually worth me going to work so I decided to set up my own business to give me some work/life balance and flexibility while the boys are young.
What were the drivers and motivations for setting up The Mummy Consultancy
I wanted to specialise in helping other mums develop skills to either set up a business, work on a existing one or change careers. I do this by providing services such as Professional Writing, Confidence Coaching, help with Public Speaking and developing the ‘voice’ of themselves and their business. I found it very isolating after having children, and I think after a while on maternity leave it’s very easy to lose the sense of ‘you’ and just be in constant mummy mode. I’m still a bit guilty of this but it’s a work in progress like all women with young children.
I’m also a professional writer and write lots of pieces on Parenting, Childcare, Pregnancy, Health, Mums in Business etc for various publications. My website also has a blog where I post lots of interesting things for parents that I think are useful as well as the kinds of things I’ve been up to recently.
How do you balance your business around your family and children
The boys now go to nursery part time, and I come home and work. I work a lot in the evenings when they’re in bed, and from my phone, being self employed means it’s very easy to get carried away working constantly (I have worked weeks where I’ve done more hours than I ever would have in ‘paid’ employment) and you have to be really careful and strive for some balance.
I don’t work at weekends, unless I absolutely have to, as that is strictly family time with the boys and my husband. I also try to give myself one afternoon a week off, to catch up on trashy TV, read a magazine or anything I need to. Obviously in-between the kids and the work I still have to get all the usual things done, so I juggle those with the shopping, washing, ironing, walking the dogs, cleaning etc.
I also do the nursery run for the kids every day that they’re there, along with swimming lessons, as my husband is at work all day and doesn’t have any flexibility, so it still all very much falls on me to run everything.
Since setting up The Mummy Consultancy what’s been your biggest success to date
Taking the leap to do this. It was an incredibly difficult decision to give up a monthly wage, even if it wasn’t very much money after childcare, I was still taking away that element of security but we just couldn’t make it work any other way.
I’ve had lots of great experiences since I started and do lots of press campaigns for various things, and get to go to photoshoots and have my hair and make-up professionally done, and then be photographed by people like Nicky Johnston (showbiz photographer and Judge on Britain’s Next Top Model) and yesterday the Daily Mail actually came to my house for the second time to do a shoot with me and the kids for a piece on Health in Pregnancy. (And that was nowhere like as glamorous as it sounds because my 3 year old played up the entire time and I ended up a sweaty mess after 90 minutes of my house looking like a studio and trying to explain to the boys they weren’t allowed to touch the equipment and had to sit still – it just didn’t work out).
The very best bit of my job is the people I get to meet and have connected with since I started. I’ve spoken to and met people I would never have dreamed of, and has given me experiences that I didn’t think possible. It’s been really hard work and there have been many moments where I just wanted to stop doing it, and felt like it was too difficult trying to juggle being a mum, wife, and business woman – but it is possible, and sometimes you just need to take a step at a time.
What’s your top tip for anyone who’s thinking about setting up their own business
Work to your strengths. If you already have a background in something, it’s worth starting there to see if there’s something you can do with those skills. I worked for many years in the Legal profession, then in education and had written professionally to a very high level as part of my career, then I became a qualified trainer as part of my job and started lecturing and doing some public speaking engagements for groups like Midwives speaking about my homebirth experience with my first son. I also had post graduate qualifications in Media Management and PR – combining those things meant I could easily get The Mummy Consultancy off the ground, and although it’s still been a steep learning curve in places, there are so many accessible ways to gain knowledge and skills now that it’s become easier to get the advice you need.
If you want to go into business doing something you have no experience in it’s totally possible, but make sure you learn everything you can about that particular niche and get as much advice as you can from people already in the trade.
I’d also say surround yourself with people who will support you. It’s incredibly surprising and disarming when the people you consider close to you don’t give you any support, or get upset about your successes. Have people around you who want the very best for you, who will celebrate your successes with you and that understand what you’re doing is for your family. Just beware that you won’t necessarily have the same friends you began the journey with and that can be a hard pill to swallow. The people who are meant to be there in the end still will be. I couldn’t have done any of this without the support of my husband, so make sure you have at least one person who you can talk to, vent at, shout at, cry with and who will give you the moral support that you need.
Thank you so much Fiona for letting me interview you today, and I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
You can find out more about The Mummy Consultancy and by visiting Fiona’s website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
If you want to read more from my Mums in Business series then have a nose at Created by Magic, Studio 44 Pilates, Gift It 2, The Carpenters Wife, RS Virtual Assistant, Love Your Birth, Write My Name and Koru Kids.
Or if you would like to take part in my series, just drop me an email
Claire x
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Very interesting, honest and inspiring interview. I’m always fascinated to learn how other women juggle everything x #fortheloveofBLOG
The Squirmy Popple
I love this series – it’s so inspiring to hear from other mothers who have been brave enough to set up their own business. It’s something I’ve thought about but found too daunting to ever actually attempt. #fortheloveofBLOG
I love reading inspiring stories of other working parents who have alot to juggle. There is so much to do for so many people. I love the fact that I work and am out of the house during the day, as stressful as it all is I dont think that I have what it takes to be any different as I think I would be rubbish at running my home full time. I almost like having the excuse that I can’t do some things because I’m not there. I would love for my other half to give up work and be a stay at home dad…but he wont.
Sam - Stressy Mama
Brilliant interview. It’s very inspiring to hear how other mamas make their dreams a reality. That would be the dream for me. #fortheloveofBLOG
Kirsty HF @ You Know You're A Mum When
This is just the interview I need to read. I’m currently stuck in ‘mummy mode’ as a SAHM. It’s been so easy to be sucked in. I’m in the midst of liaising with my old careers coach and also seeing a therapist to help me untangle emotions that have built up over the past 3 years. I’m feeling positive about things for the first time in a while, and confident that I am allowed to focus on myself without guilt. #fortheloveofBLOG
Noleen Miller
Lovely interview. So inspiring.#fortheloveofBLOG
Wow there is so much juggling. I agree that it is important to find a balance. I think the temptation to work all the time is hard to overcome. #fortheloveofBLOG
Amy - The Rolling Baby
This is such an inspiring story. I’d love to set up my own business, but don’t know where to start! #fortheloveofBLOG
Phil & Alli
So inspirational! Well done, Fiona! Your employer’s loss and your gain.
And thank you, Claire, for sharing her story. #fortheloveofBLOG
Mrs Mummy Harris
This is a fab interview series, I love the tips about balancing your time; I know all to well how easy it is to get caught up in the work and then realising you’re going to miss out!
Will take her tips on board for when I go self employed next year! It’s also my goal to find one regular client so i have a guaranteed income by this time next year. That with a mixture of newborn twins I like to think could be achievable! #fortheloveofBLOG
Jennifer Wlodyka
Is so nice to hear positive stories of women in business. #fortheloveofBLOG
This is such a great series and a really inspiring read #fortheloveofBLOG
Amazing interview. So interesting to read. I can only imagine trying to keep L away from the techy stuff if anyone ever came to our house for a shoot. Let alone two kids!!! #fortheloveofBLOG
Emma :Ettie and Me
What an inspiring interview! I’m blown away by any mum who has managed to branch out and make a go of it on their own following maternity leave. Well done Fiona (fortheloveofBLOG – but I came to read it anyway after your signpost from my Small Brand series! – I love supporting other Mums) <3 xx
Kate Holmes
So much to learn from this post and what a great idea for a business and just knowing you will make a difference must be superb.
What a great interview. I love to read about mums in business! #fortheloveofBLOG
Very inspiring! I will come back and read this again! #fortheloveofblog
Ali Duke
Great interview. It is always interesting to find out how people started out and built their businesses.
Sara @ Magical Mama Blog
Brilliant interview! It always gives me a renewal to push forward harder than I have been when I hear about a woman who is knocking down walls and making a name for herself!
Heather Keet
What an awesome idea! I love that she’s empowering women to start careers to benefit their family schedules! #fortheloveofBLOG
Helen @Talking_Mums
I do love this series, so inspiring to hear from other mums who have made the move and made work – work for them x
Lisa Pomerantz
What a great interview and an amazing business to start up! If you can’t have work-life balance, create your own and help others. really brilliant! Wish you were closer! xoxo
It’s great to read about how others juggle business and life. #fortheloveofBLOG
The Mummy Bubble
Loved reading Fiona’s story. So inspiring to read about a mum making her own career that works for her! #fortheloveofBLOG