Top tips for attending BML17
In just under two weeks time it’s BML17, one of the biggest blogging conferences in the UK for parenting bloggers. This will be my second time at BML having attended the conference last year being a relatively newbie blogger. Boy, did I have a great day, I wrote a post about it shortly after the event. I learnt a lot that day, and yes I was nervous, but those nerves faded shortly after I arrived. So for anyone new going to BML17, or if this is your first blogging conference, here are my top tips for attending BML17.
- Don’t be shy or nervous. I know it’s hard not to be as I felt exactly the same last year. We’re all a friendly bunch, so smile and relax, and say “hi” to the first person you come across.
- Remember to take your business cards with you. I got 100 printed before BML last year by Moo. Business cards are a great conversation starter, and are also really handy to give to the brands. I left it really late last year to get printed, so there’s still time.
- See if you can buddy up with someone to meet before you get to the venue. Last year I met up with Fi from A Mum Track Mind at the tube station, and it was such a relief to meet a friendly face and enter The Brewery not on my own.
- There are so many sessions you can attend. Have you seen the agenda? It looks great. There are sessions from Instagram, to Pinterest, to making money from you blog, and You Tube. My top tip is read the agenda before the event, and decide what you want to go to. Last year I found it really easy to fall into the trap of tagging along to a session that one of your friends is going to, which might not be right for, instead of going to one you actually want to attend. It’s also a good opportunity to meet other bloggers too.
- Think about what your blog is about. What’s your 30 second sales pitch? You’ll need to quickly tell other bloggers what you do, and also sell yourself to brands (if that’s what you want). It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, but something that really shows you know what your blog is about.
- Be prepared for an exciting, busy, overwhelming and chaotic day. Last year I came away buzzing but also overwhelmed at the same time. There are so many faces to see, so many things to learn, and so many brands to talk to. You cannot possibly do it all, so don’t feel deflated if something didn’t quite go to plan.
- Wear comfy clothes and shoes. I cannot emphasis this enough. You are on your feet all day. Plus there’s the boat cruise after party. I will be wearing flat shoes, possibly my red trainers (ooh!). There really is no point wearing high heels, I know that I couldn’t. Wear something that you feel comfy and confident in.
- Be ready to learn something new. I learnt so much last year that my brain felt frazzled after the event, and it took me until the next day to make sense of it all. You will learn something new, and you will find ways to improve your blog, whether that’s writing, social media or SEO.
- Visit the brands during one of the sessions. I found last year that everyone visits the brands at the same time, and it’s manic. Try to visit when one of the sessions is taking place, you’ll then have more time to talk to the PRs, and they’ll have more time for you.
- Don’t bring too much stuff with you, as hopefully you’ll be leaving with loads of freebies from the brands, plus there’s the goody bag too!
- Lastly, have fun, relax, smile, drink the wine and enjoy it.
So that’s it, those are my top tips for attending BML17. I hope you found this useful? Will I be seeing you there?
Claire x

KellyAnn Schiavo
Thank goodness you posted this! I’m going but have booked nothing – best get my act together with only 48 hours to go! It will be my second one but the first was 6 years ago! So looking forward to learning new tips & skills and being inspired by everyone. Perhaps i’ll see you there?! 🙂
My getting ready for Saturday List in my head so far consists of…
1. Buy a kids Party gift to leave for Daddy and Kids for party
Groan…it’ll all come together!!
My getting ready for Saturday List in my head so far consists of…
1. Buy a kids Party gift to leave for Daddy and Kids for party
Groan…it’ll all come together!!